Hjemløshed; Socialpolitik; Grønland; Danmark; Lykkerejser
Type af webpublikation:
Udgivelsessted på internettet:
Colin Bradley
Social work; Empowerment; Action research; Participation; Greenland; Participatory action research
Titel på værtspublikation:
Collaborative and Sustainable Learning for a Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality
Sydney University Press
ISBN nummer:
Homelessness in Nuuk is a social issue that has been known for several years. In the 1970s Nuuk got it’s first shelter for women. In the 2010s some attention in the field has emerged with the establishment of a municipal night shelter and the opening of the Salvation Army day shelter and a Kofoeds S…
Homelessness in Nuuk is a social issue that has been known for several years. In the 1970s Nuuk got it’s first shelter for women. In the 2010s some attention in the field has emerged with the establishment of a municipal night shelter and the opening of the Salvation Army day shelter and a Kofoeds Skole in Nuuk. Homelessness has not nearly gotten the same social policy focus as has children and their families. The lack of political attention to this topic is one of the reasons why there are yet large public planning challenges to be solved. In research based on prolonged fieldwork we can observe several challenges when homeless citizens try to engage with public agencies. The article draws on fieldwork and data from interviews in the field of social welfare and health care since 2010. A critical sociological perspective can create a new understanding of the challenges that lie in process of strengthening disempowered citizens’ autonomy. The article brings excerpts from interviews regarding the direct experience of the encounter between disempowered citizens and public systems. It points to some solutions through an enhanced crosssectorial and communicative action. Public systems can, without losing function and power, hand over sovereignty to the citizens. Such efforts may in the long run create a more equal Greenlandic society.
Læs mere
Hjemløshed; Nuuk; Social planlægning; Sociologi; Feminisme
Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat
ISBN nummer:
Facebook; Greenland
Type af webpublikation:
Udgivelsessted på internettet:
I 2018 får Grønland sin første lukkede anstalt, og med dette bliver Grønland som ”landet uden fængsel” endeligt fortid. Allerede før det første lukkede anstalt slår dørene op, bringer landet sig ind på en førende plads, som det mest straffende land i Skandinavien.
På baggrund af journalstudier giver…
I 2018 får Grønland sin første lukkede anstalt, og med dette bliver Grønland som ”landet uden fængsel” endeligt fortid. Allerede før det første lukkede anstalt slår dørene op, bringer landet sig ind på en førende plads, som det mest straffende land i Skandinavien.
På baggrund af journalstudier giver artiklen et indtryk af sociale kendetegn ved den grønlandske fangebefolkning. Ligesom det analyseres, hvorledes det grønlandske velfærdssamfunds håndterer den del af befolkningen som anbringes i anstalterne.
Læs mere
Kriminologi; Indsatte; Fangetal; Anstalter
Titel på tidsskrift:
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
De Nordiske Kriminalistforeninger
ISSN nummer:
1st of January 2010 a new Greenlandic criminal code came in to force. The new criminal code also opened for a brand new sanction; community service, which never had been used in the Greenlandic society. The paper will describe the purpose of community service, the elements which make the sanction sp…
1st of January 2010 a new Greenlandic criminal code came in to force. The new criminal code also opened for a brand new sanction; community service, which never had been used in the Greenlandic society. The paper will describe the purpose of community service, the elements which make the sanction specific attractive in a Greenlandic context, and enforcement of the sanction in practice. Furthermore the paper will present results from a qualitative study about the first experiences with community service in Greenland.
Læs mere
Foranstaltninger; Samfundstjeneste; Kriminologi; Social antropologi; Kriminallov
Titel på værtspublikation:
Grønlandsk kultur- og samfundsforskning 2015-17
Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat
ISBN nummer:
Island Autonomies - Constitutional and Political Developments
This chapter elucidates the Nordic islands: the Åland Islands, Faroe Islands and Greenland in comparison with the Portuguese autonomous islands of Azores and Madeira. The questions answered are what kind of constitutional and political development these island autonomies have been encountering and w…
This chapter elucidates the Nordic islands: the Åland Islands, Faroe Islands and Greenland in comparison with the Portuguese autonomous islands of Azores and Madeira. The questions answered are what kind of constitutional and political development these island autonomies have been encountering and what their characteristic features are regarding their relationship with their respective metropolitan state.
Læs mere
Ferdinand Karlhofer; Günther Pallaver
Federalism; Devolution; Asymmetric federalism; Island autonomies
Titel på værtspublikation:
Federal Power-Sharing in Europe
ISBN nummer:
Ligesom i Europa og andre dele af den vestlige verden er brugerinddragelse kommet på dagsordenen i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen. Det kræver, at den grønlandske sundhedsforskning suppleres med humanistiske tilgange, som kan udforske patientperspektiver. Humanistisk sundhedsforskning rummer forskelli…
Ligesom i Europa og andre dele af den vestlige verden er brugerinddragelse kommet på dagsordenen i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen. Det kræver, at den grønlandske sundhedsforskning suppleres med humanistiske tilgange, som kan udforske patientperspektiver. Humanistisk sundhedsforskning rummer forskellige teoretiske tilgange. Artiklen diskuterer en fænomenologisk tilgang, som er udbredt i humanistisk sundhedsforskning, og dens muligheder og begrænsninger i forhold til at inddrage patientperspektiver som rationel viden og patienter som subjekter for deres eget liv. Diskussionen relateres til et grønlandsk forskningsprojekt med en kritisk psykologisk tilgang, og hvad tilgangen kan tilføre nøglebegreber i humanistisk sundhedsforskning som kontekst, situation, forståelse og etik. Samtidig peges på udviklingsmuligheder i praksis.
Læs mere
Humanistisk sundhedsforskning; Fænomenologi; Kritisk psykologi; Patientperspektiv; Sygepleje
Titel på tidsskrift:
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat
ISSN nummer:
This paper examines the long-run fiscal sustainability of the colonial finances of Spanish America. Using econometric tests of intertemporal stability and a macroeconomic budget constraint framework, the analysis revisits how the long-run fiscal dynamics of the colonial treasuries adjusted for infla…
This paper examines the long-run fiscal sustainability of the colonial finances of Spanish America. Using econometric tests of intertemporal stability and a macroeconomic budget constraint framework, the analysis revisits how the long-run fiscal dynamics of the colonial treasuries adjusted for inflation changed over time. Findings suggest that in spite of historical breakpoints associated to major financial difficulties during wartime, in general the treasuries achieved sustainable fiscal balances. However, there was a shifting pattern of fiscal sustainability between the treasuries across the colonial period.
Læs mere
Economic history
Titel på tidsskrift:
Spanish Association of Economic History - Working Paper Series
Did structural change account for productivity growth within manufacturing during the import substitution era? A historical appraisal of Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil
The long-term productivity dynamics of Latin America have been the focus of vast research looking to understand the origins of the growth underperformance of the region. Based on new estimates from official industrial censuses from 1935 to 1975, this paper reassesses whether there was a process of s…
The long-term productivity dynamics of Latin America have been the focus of vast research looking to understand the origins of the growth underperformance of the region. Based on new estimates from official industrial censuses from 1935 to 1975, this paper reassesses whether there was a process of structural change within the manufacturing industries of Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. It presents a quantitative reassessment of the dynamics of productivity in these industries providing a new decomposition of labor productivity growth at a more disaggregated level. The overall results from a shift-share analysis are unable to find substantial evidence of structural change within manufacturing in these countries over the period.
Læs mere
Economic development; Economic history; Productivity growth
Titel på tidsskrift:
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
DOI nummer:
Domestic violence in Greenland: violent men's life stories
Domestic violence; Greenland
Self-government system
Dato & år:
Type af webpublikation:
Online compendium
Udgivelsessted på internettet:
The concept of patient involvement is ambiguous and contested in the healthcare systems in Western Europe and North America. Current research indicates that patients only feel moderately involved in their treatment and care. This article builds on a study of chronically ill patients’ perspectives on…
The concept of patient involvement is ambiguous and contested in the healthcare systems in Western Europe and North America. Current research indicates that patients only feel moderately involved in their treatment and care. This article builds on a study of chronically ill patients’ perspectives on healthcare practice in Greenland. It discusses the significance of including in healthcare practice knowledge of patients’ everyday lives with illness and their own views on their situations. Research was qualitative and ethnographic. Participants were followed with participant observations and qualitative interviews for 2.5 years during hospital stay in the capital Nuuk and in their homes in towns and settlements during 2010–2013. Results show that patients are concerned about how to manage their life with illness on a daily basis. Their everyday life activities demonstrate the resources they have to live with illness. However, procedures for healthcare practice concentrate on treatment of the physical disease. Knowledge about psychosocial needs for care and rehabilitation tend to be excluded. The study points to potential for improving professional practice through healthcare professionals’ active investigation of patients’ everyday lives and values, integration of this knowledge into their professional practice and developing structures for this kind of involvement.
Læs mere
Patients; Patient involvement; Healthcare; Greenland
Titel på tidsskrift:
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Taylor & Francis
DOI nummer:
Efter første artikels (TG 2/2017) fokus på Grønlands overtagelse af det socialt administrative område ser vi i denne anden del på nutidens forhold. Nutiden kommer til at handle overvejdende om 1980'erne og 1990'erne. Store tiltag såsom den første socialreformkommission og en egentlig grønlandsk soci…
Efter første artikels (TG 2/2017) fokus på Grønlands overtagelse af det socialt administrative område ser vi i denne anden del på nutidens forhold. Nutiden kommer til at handle overvejdende om 1980'erne og 1990'erne. Store tiltag såsom den første socialreformkommission og en egentlig grønlandsk socialrådgiveruddannelse blev centrale faktorer i forståelsen af det socialpolitiske landskab. Sen-90'ernes sparetider og manglende socialpolitisk handlekraft skabte en stilstand, som kom til udtryk i et noget stillestående lovarbejde på det sociale område. 2000'erne handlede om at rette Grønland ind på sporet af et moderne velfærdssamfund blandt andet med en meget professionaliseret socialreformkommission. Her ses nye organisationer som MiO, men også en ny socialstyrelse og en revitaliseret socialrådgiverforening. Artiklen afrundes med en problematisering af de fortsatte sociale udfordringer samt bud på fremtidige løsninger.
Læs mere
Socialpolitik; Socialadministration; Socialt arbejde; Uddannelse
Titel på tidsskrift:
Tidsskriftet Grønland
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Det Grønlandske Selskab
København, Charlottenlund
ISSN nummer:
Artiklen diskuteres, hvorledes psykologien i Grønland indgår i den generelle udvikling af samfundet, der er med i en rivende udvikling i Arktis, har en stor og produktiv kultur, og som samtidigt er praeget af en stadig befolkningsvandring mod byerne og øget ulighed mellem rig og relativt fattig. Det…
Artiklen diskuteres, hvorledes psykologien i Grønland indgår i den generelle udvikling af samfundet, der er med i en rivende udvikling i Arktis, har en stor og produktiv kultur, og som samtidigt er praeget af en stadig befolkningsvandring mod byerne og øget ulighed mellem rig og relativt fattig. Det vises, at rigtigt mange børn og unge trives og opnår uddannelse, men at der samtidigt er en del unge, der ikke opnår samme grad af adgang til basale rettigheder såsom tryghed, uddannelse og udviklingsmuligheder som andre. Det diskuteres, hvordan psykologien i høj grad følger udviklingen i de skandinaviske lande, men at den kunne omfatte mere community-baserede metoder for at kunne bidrage til forebyggelse af de sociale udfordringer, der skaber baggrund for mental traumatisering og mistrivsel. Behovet for en social forskning, der rummer løsninger og ikke blot beskrivelser af velkendte sociale udfordringer, påpeges og diskuteres.
Læs mere
Taitsiannguaq Tróndheim; Steven Arnfjord; Mette Sonniks; Peter Berliner
Psykologi; Grønland; Forskning
Titel på tidsskrift:
Psyke & Logos
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Dansk Psykologisk Forlag
ISSN nummer:
I artiklen diskuteres, hvorledes psykologien i Grønland indgår i den generelle udvikling af samfundet, der er med i en rivende udvikling i Arktis, har en stor og produktiv kultur, og som samtidigt er præget af en stadig befolkningsvandring mod byerne og øget ulighed mellem rig og relativt fattig. De…
I artiklen diskuteres, hvorledes psykologien i Grønland indgår i den generelle udvikling af samfundet, der er med i en rivende udvikling i Arktis, har en stor og produktiv kultur, og som samtidigt er præget af en stadig befolkningsvandring mod byerne og øget ulighed mellem rig og relativt fattig. Det vises, at rigtigt mange børn og unge trives og opnår uddannelse, men at der samtidigt er en del unge, der ikke opnår samme grad af adgang til basale rettigheder såsom tryghed, uddannelse og udviklingsmuligheder som andre. Det diskuteres, hvordan psykologien i høj grad følger udviklingen i de skandinaviske lande, men at den kunne omfatte mere community-baserede metoder for at kunne bidrage til forebyggelse af de sociale udfordringer, der skaber baggrund for mental traumatisering og mistrivsel. Behovet for en social forskning, der rummer løsninger og ikke blot beskrivelser af velkendte sociale udfordringer, påpeges og diskuteres.
Læs mere
Taitsiannguaq Tróndheim; Steven Arnfjord; Mette Sonniks; Peter Berliner
Psykologi; Grønland; Forskning; Community-basering; Metoder; Socialforskning
Titel på tidsskrift:
Psyke & Logos
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Dansk Psykologisk Forlag
ISSN nummer:
Artiklen tager afsæt i et feministisk perspektiv på kvinder, som er ramt af hjemløshed. Med afsæt i et litteraturstudie og en inspiration fra nordcanadisk forskning i hjemløshed blandt kvinder analyseres situationen i Nuuk. Vi inddrager empiri fra et længerevarende feltarbejde i Nuuk og med intervie…
Artiklen tager afsæt i et feministisk perspektiv på kvinder, som er ramt af hjemløshed. Med afsæt i et litteraturstudie og en inspiration fra nordcanadisk forskning i hjemløshed blandt kvinder analyseres situationen i Nuuk. Vi inddrager empiri fra et længerevarende feltarbejde i Nuuk og med interviews omkring kvindernes situation fra kilder i miljøet. I artiklen problematiseres det, at det offentlige sociale system forekommer meget lidt forberedt på, at Nuuk i dag har over 200 borgere, som er ramt af hjemløshed. Der eksisterer ikke indtil i dag et særskilt fokus på kvinderne i denne situation. Kvinder er blandt andet omfattet af begrebet “skjult hjemløshed”, som hidtil har været anvendt i begrænset omfang i den offentlige debat. I artiklen viser vi blandt andet, at man dels har kendt til hjemløshed i flere årtier – også til kvindernes hjemløshed. Kvindernes manglende stemme i socialpolitikken kan hænge sammen med, at kvindekampen i Grønland er gået lidt i dvale. Artiklen afrundes med strategiforslag til en mulig videre proces med inspiration fra nordcanadiske tiltag.
Læs mere
Hjemløshed; Feminisme; Nuuk; Canada; Kvindehistorie
Titel på tidsskrift:
Psyke & Logos
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Dansk Psykologisk Forlag
ISSN nummer:
Over the past three decades, homelessness has become an area of significant social concern in Alaska, the Canadian North, and most recently, Greenland. These three geographical contexts show both similarities and contrasts, but no effort has yet been made to review the research literature on homeles…
Over the past three decades, homelessness has become an area of significant social concern in Alaska, the Canadian North, and most recently, Greenland. These three geographical contexts show both similarities and contrasts, but no effort has yet been made to review the research literature on homelessness from these three regions or to highlight key themes or gaps in current knowledge. We reviewed the literature in order to 1) understand the current state of knowledge of the dynamics of homelessness in Alaska, the Canadian North (here including Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut), and Greenland and 2) conceptualize a northern geography of homelessness. The research literature identifies common themes across these contexts, which include chronic housing insecurity, overrepresentation of Indigenous peoples among those living homeless, and the significance of gendered experiences of homelessness. It identifies key interconnections between hidden homelessness and visible homelessness as the dynamics of urbanization in northern towns and cities reveal the social consequences of chronic housing insecurity in settlements. Across these northern regions, the high rates of chronic homelessness reflect the prevalence of northern housing insecurity and the lack of both adequate, appropriate support for people experiencing mental health or addiction problems and supportive or public housing options. Strategies that aim to diversify housing stock at various critical points along the housing spectrum are needed in northern regions, an idea that is promoted by Housing First and transitional housing programs in Alaska and the Canadian North.
Læs mere
Julia Christensen; Steven Arnfjord; Sally Carraher; Travis Hedwig
Homelessness; Housing; Urbanization; Health; Alaska; Yukon; Nunavut; Northwest Territories; Greenland
Titel på tidsskrift:
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
The Arctic Institute of North America
ISSN nummer:
DOI nummer:
Rehabilitering i hverdagslivet: Borgerperspektiver på livet som gammel – muligheder og udfordringer i den faglige støtte
Rapporten formidler resultaterne af en undersøgelse af hverdagsrehabilitering i Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, Forvaltningen for Arbejdsmarked og Velfærd, Ældreområdet og Voksenomsorgsservice. Hverdagsrehabiliteringskonceptet er overtaget fra Danmark, og som i Danmark er praksis udtryk for en instrumente…
Rapporten formidler resultaterne af en undersøgelse af hverdagsrehabilitering i Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, Forvaltningen for Arbejdsmarked og Velfærd, Ældreområdet og Voksenomsorgsservice. Hverdagsrehabiliteringskonceptet er overtaget fra Danmark, og som i Danmark er praksis udtryk for en instrumentel og fragmenteret tilgang til støtten til ældre og kronisk syge, dvs et ensidigt fokus på fysisk træning og ADL. Dette fokus er dikteret af økonomiske overvejelser. Indsigten i borgernes perspektiver på livet som ældre/kronisk syg viser, at mål for støtten må forholde sig til ældres behov og ønsker i forhold til et meningsfuldt liv i fællesskab med andre. Hjemmehjælpergruppen, som skal være den bærende kraft i hverdagsrehabilitering, har gode muligheder for at inddrage borgernes perspektiver i indsatserne, men det kræver en professionalisering af hjemmehjælpernes opsøgen af borgernes perspektiver, og det kræver et opgør med en hierarkisk vidensopfattelse blandt de forskellige faggrupper i hjemmeplejen. Ift et udbredt problem blandt ældre/kronisk syge, nemlig ensomhed og perspektivløshed, diskuteres muligheder for relevante og meningsfulde aktiviteter, der muliggør ældres deltagelse som synlige og bidragende medlemmer af lokalsamfundet (ikke publiceret).
Læs mere
Rehabilitering; Hverdagsrehabilitering; Borgerperspektiver; Medarbejderperspektiver; Tværfagligt samarbejde; Hjemmepleje
Institut for Sygepleje og Sundhedsvidenskab, Ilisimatusarfik
Greenland and the Faroes are autonomous jurisdictions within the Danish Realm, having undertaken a continuous process of extended self-determination in the post-WWII era. In both jurisdictions there are strong movements of secession and counter-secession, whose respective strengths are largely achie…
Greenland and the Faroes are autonomous jurisdictions within the Danish Realm, having undertaken a continuous process of extended self-determination in the post-WWII era. In both jurisdictions there are strong movements of secession and counter-secession, whose respective strengths are largely achieved through external relations. This paper will first provide an introduction to the historical background and the formal relationship between the two jurisdictions and their metropolitan state. We will then extend the two cases with a description of how increased internal autonomy has evolved in a dynamic interaction with changes in international affairs. Whether the two jurisdictions may move towards full secession or new forms of unity is difficult to predict, but external relations keep on pushing at the formal structures and limits of the realm, which we will briefly reflect upon in the final section.
Læs mere
Diego Muro; Eckart Woertz
Autonomy; Denmark; Greenland; Faroe Islands
Titel på værtspublikation:
Secession and Counter-secession. An International Relations Perspective
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs
ISBN nummer:
Kapitlet undersøger og diskuterer virksomme processer i familieklasserne i Nuuk og peger især på tryghed, dialog, kollektiv læring, ligeværd og fælles refleksion - samt lyst og fælles latter - som problemopløsende udviklingsveje.
Peter Berliner; Rita Thomsen; Rikke Toftgaard Rossen; Lærke Jensen; Mette Sonniks
Familieklasser; Tryghed; Dialog; Kollektiv læring; Ligeværd; Problemopløsning
Titel på værtspublikation:
Grønlandsk Kultur- og Samfundsforskning 2015-17
Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat
ISBN nummer:
Familieklasser i Nuuk - at skabe fredelige løsninger midt i skolen
I artiklen beskrive forældres fortællinger om deres og deres barns deltagelse i familieklassen i Kangillinnguit Atuarfiat I Nuussuaq i Nuuk. Vores formål her er at forstå, hvordan forældrene oplever deltagelse i familieklassen. Igennem kvalitative interviews fortæller forældrene om dette. Deres fort…
I artiklen beskrive forældres fortællinger om deres og deres barns deltagelse i familieklassen i Kangillinnguit Atuarfiat I Nuussuaq i Nuuk. Vores formål her er at forstå, hvordan forældrene oplever deltagelse i familieklassen. Igennem kvalitative interviews fortæller forældrene om dette. Deres fortællinger viser, at de var glade for at deltage i familieklassen – og at det, de værdsatte, og som de fandt hjælpsomt i at støtte deres barn i skolen og I hjemmet, var: social støtte og gensidig anerkendelse i form af (1) Genkendelighed, dvs. at kunne se ligheder imellem familierne; (2) Ikke at føle sig alene, idet man føler sig forstået som forældre; (3) Fællesskabsfølelse gennem åbenhed om udfordringer og løsninger og gennem at opmuntre, rose, støtte og bakke hinanden op samt ved at kunne have det sjovt sammen; (4) Erfaringsdeling, der giver inspiration til sammen at finde løsninger samt gennem at give og lytte til hinandens råd og ideer); (5) Spejling ved at kunne se sig selv med andres øjne helt konkret); (6) Refleksivitet ved at tale om og vise forskellige løsninger og forståelser forældrene og forældre og børn imellem); (8) Snakke sammen (tale med hinanden, tiltro og accept, åbenhed); (9) Lytning (nærhed); (10) At rose og at blive rost (være anerkendende i hverdagen og have tiltro til barnet); (11) Accept; (12) Åbenhed; (13) Ro; (14) Selvtillid. Den fælles læring handler om at finde gode løsninger sammen igennem aktiviteter, der udføres sammen i klassen og derefter reflekteres over – ligeledes – i en fælles proces.
Læs mere
Rikke Rossen; Lærke Jensen; Rita Thomsen; Mette Sonniks; Peter Berliner
Familieklasse; Skolen i Grønland; Livsglæde; Fælles læring
Titel på tidsskrift:
Psyke & Logos
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
ISSN nummer:
Man skal kunne se glæden – familieklassen i Nuuk: tryghed, åbenhed og fælles læring
I denne artikel undersøger vi familieklassen som metode i Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) som en mulighed for at støtte og styrke børn til at trives i skolen. Vi gør dette ved at fremlægge og analysere familieklasselærerens fortælling om familieklassen, idet netop den professionelles fortælling ses som…
I denne artikel undersøger vi familieklassen som metode i Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) som en mulighed for at støtte og styrke børn til at trives i skolen. Vi gør dette ved at fremlægge og analysere familieklasselærerens fortælling om familieklassen, idet netop den professionelles fortælling ses som særdeles betydningsfuld i forståelsen af, hvilke processer, der gør at familieklassen når gode resultater mht. de deltagende familiers oplevelse af barnets trivsel i skolen. Endvidere sammenligner vi familieklasselærerens og forældrenes fortællinger og diskuterer disse i forhold til den særlige kulturelle kontekst, som familieklassemetoden anvendes i. Resultaterne er, at familieklasselæreren beskriver, at det gennem fælles oplevelser, anerkendelse, fælles refleksion, succesoplevelser, tryghed og glæde er muligt at skabe nye valgmuligheder og løsninger i og overfor tidligere gentagende, problemfokuserede adfærdsmønstre. Forældre og familieklasselærer peger sammen på, at det virksomme i familieklassen er, at der skabes et rum, hvor deltagerne (1) ikke føler sig alene og forkerte, men som forældre med muligheder, hvorved der skabes håb og handlemuligheder; (2) skaber glæde sammen og derved oplever at have ressourcer og muligheder; (3) kan se sig selv med andre(s) øjne og derved skabe nye fortællinger om familien og barnet; (4) kan dele erfaringer med hinanden både verbalt og i praksis; (5) anerkender og bliver anerkendt gensidigt; (5) bygger selvtillid i familien gennem succesoplevelser i klassen og i familien; (6) i praksis styrker åbenhed ved i praksis at skabe trygge rammer at udtrykke sig i; og (7) lærer ved at være sammen med andre, dvs. ved at indgå i en fælles læringsproces, hvor alles bidrag har værdi.
Læs mere
Lærke Jensen; Rikke Toftgaard Rossen; Rita Thomsen; Mette Sonniks; Peter Berliner
Familieklasse; Nuuk; Fælles læring; Tillid; Social læring
Titel på tidsskrift:
Dansk Paedagogisk Tidsskrift
ISSN nummer:
Resiliens: om at have definitionsmagten over et begreb
En diskussion af resiliensbegrebet.
Peter Berliner; Hans Månsson
Resiliens; Vidensproduktion; Definitionsmagt
Titel på tidsskrift:
Kognition & Paedagogik
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
ISSN nummer:
Social resiliens: forandringsressourcer i to byer i Grønland
Vi starter ud med at give en oversigt over aktuel teori om resiliens og viser, at disse teorier peger på, at resiliens handler om netværk og forbindelser i komplekse systemer. Derefter beskriver vi fortællinger om social resiliens i to byer i Grønland, Nanortalik og Tasiilaq. Ud fra de beskrivelser…
Vi starter ud med at give en oversigt over aktuel teori om resiliens og viser, at disse teorier peger på, at resiliens handler om netværk og forbindelser i komplekse systemer. Derefter beskriver vi fortællinger om social resiliens i to byer i Grønland, Nanortalik og Tasiilaq. Ud fra de beskrivelser diskuterer vi, hvad der kendetegner social resiliens i Grønland og hvordan det kan fremmes gennem konkrete projekter båret af lokale kræfter som et bidrag til den stærke og innovative kultur, der i disse år udvikler sig i Grønland som en del af den globale verden.
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Peter Berliner; Ellen Bang Bourup; Jeppe Kiel Christensen
Børnerettigheder; Grønland; Social Resiliens
Titel på tidsskrift:
Psyke & Logos
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
ISSN nummer:
Social resiliens i Nanortalik
Artikel handler om social resiliens blandt unge i Nanortalik. Dette undersøges dels gennem en spørgeskemaundersøgelse og dels gennem interviews. Denne artikel fokuserer på spørgeskemaundersøgelsen. Formålet med undersøgelsen er at pege på områder i de unges liv, som med fordel kan styrkes for at øge…
Artikel handler om social resiliens blandt unge i Nanortalik. Dette undersøges dels gennem en spørgeskemaundersøgelse og dels gennem interviews. Denne artikel fokuserer på spørgeskemaundersøgelsen. Formålet med undersøgelsen er at pege på områder i de unges liv, som med fordel kan styrkes for at øge trivsel og fælles styrke til at forebygge, møde og komme sig over modgang i livet. Det sidste er det, vi her kalder social resiliens. Seks klasser deltog i spørgeskema undersøgelsen (8.- 10. klasse samt Majoriaq). Det blev til 68 udfyldte spørgeskemaer. Samlet set viser resultaterne, at omkring 20 % af de unge aldrig eller sjældent er tilfredse med sig selv og ligeledes omkring 20 % føler sig aldrig eller sjældent glade. Cirka 20 % svarer, at de aldrig eller sjældent føler sig rolige. Vi så endvidere, at kun lidt over halvdelen af de unge har nogle som de ofte eller altid kan betro sig til samt at de kan have svært ved at slappe af sammen med andre. De unge mener selv at respekt for hinanden, tryghed og er de vigtigste værdier for dem – sammen med kærlighed til børn og samarbejde. De mener også, at der generelt er tillid, tryghed og respekt i lokalsamfundet, men især respekt og tryghed ligger lidt lavere i lokalsamfundet end i de unges egne værdier. Undersøgelsen peger på, at der generelt er en høj grad af trivsel og social resiliens blandt unge, men at det er vigtigt at styrke dette, således at det omfatter alle unge og ikke blot 4 ud af 5. Denne styrkelse kan tage afsæt i det høje niveau for tillid, respekt og sikkerhed/tryghed, som lokalsamfundet ifølge de unge allerede rummer i høj grad. Man kan fokusere på at være endnu mere respektfuld og tillidsfulde og derved skabe endnu flere områder med tryghed for alle.
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Taitsiannguaq Tróndheim; Peter Berliner
Social resiliens; Nanortalik; Unge i Grønland
Titel på tidsskrift:
Psyke & Logos
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
ISSN nummer:
Syv forundringer over resiliensbegrebet
Der præsenteres syv forundringer over resiliensbegrebet og peges på muligheden for at udvikle et begreb om social resiliens i stedet for blot den individuelle resiliens, der adskiller mennesker i stedet for at bygge socialt bæredygtige resiliente netværk. Der gives konkrete eksempler på det sidste -…
Der præsenteres syv forundringer over resiliensbegrebet og peges på muligheden for at udvikle et begreb om social resiliens i stedet for blot den individuelle resiliens, der adskiller mennesker i stedet for at bygge socialt bæredygtige resiliente netværk. Der gives konkrete eksempler på det sidste - fra Mexico og fra Grønland.
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Peter Berliner; Jeppe Kiel Christensen
Social resiliens; Siunissaq uagut pigaarput; Social læring; Lyst; Lighed
Titel på tidsskrift:
Kognition & pædagogik: tidsskrift om gode læringsmiljøer
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
ISSN nummer:
Unges fortællinger om resiliens i Nanortalik
I artiklen præsenteres og diskuteres resultaterne af en kvalitativ, semistruktureret interview undersøgelse af 10 unges fortællinger om sociale relationer, værdier og trivsel, men med et særligt fokus på resiliens ved at spørge ind til, hvordan informanterne selv og/eller personer, som de kender, ha…
I artiklen præsenteres og diskuteres resultaterne af en kvalitativ, semistruktureret interview undersøgelse af 10 unges fortællinger om sociale relationer, værdier og trivsel, men med et særligt fokus på resiliens ved at spørge ind til, hvordan informanterne selv og/eller personer, som de kender, har mødt modgang i livet. Alderen på de interviewede er mellem 14 og 18 år med et gennemsnit på 16,2 år. Resultaterne er, at de unge ser social støtte i form af samvær og dialog som ressourcegivende. Alle informanterne snakker om samvær som nøglen til deres glæde. Næsten alle informanterne nævner dialog som en god problemløsningsmåde. Dialog og samvær er derved redskaber til at fremme resiliens. Man kan endog argumentere for, at de er resiliens. De er endvidere social resiliens, fordi de omfatter flere end én person – ofte mange – og kun kan skabes af flere sammen. Død, alkoholisme, vold, tab og kedsomhed bliver nævnt som de former for modgang i livet, som de unge har mødt. De unge foreslår en række aktive løsninger, der både kan forebygge modgang i livet og som kan hjælpe til at komme sig over modgang. Disse løsninger omfatter fire kategorier: (1) godt forældreskab, der skaber trygge rammer for børnene, idet det åbner for dialog, tillid til at tale med hinanden og gensidig respekt, (2) generelle værdier og holdninger, der lægger vægt på især kærlighed, omsorg, tryghed, respekt, accept af hinanden, glæde og tillid til både andre og sig selv, (3) flere muligheder for fælles aktiviteter i lokalsamfundet i form af sport, arbejdspladser.
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Taitsiannguaq Tróndheim; Peter Berliner
Unges fortællinger; Resiliens; Nanortalik
Titel på tidsskrift:
Psyke & Logos
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
ISSN nummer:
Forty years of research concerning children and youth in Greenland: a mapping review
Mia Glendøs ; Peter Berliner
Children; Youth; Greenland
Titel på tidsskrift:
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
DOI nummer:
Background: During past decades the formerly active lifestyle in Greenland has become sedentary, and the intake of traditional food has gradually been replaced with imported food. These lifestyle and dietary habits may affect pregnant women. Aim: To describe age and regional differences in reproduct…
Background: During past decades the formerly active lifestyle in Greenland has become sedentary, and the intake of traditional food has gradually been replaced with imported food. These lifestyle and dietary habits may affect pregnant women. Aim: To describe age and regional differences in reproductive factors, lifestyle and diet among Greenlandic pregnant women in their first trimester. Methods: A cross-sectional study during 2013–2015 including 373 pregnant women was conducted in five Greenlandic regions (West, Disko Bay, South, North and East). Interview-based questionnaires on reproductive factors, lifestyle and dietary habits were compared in relation to two age groups (median age ≤28 years and >28 years). Results: In total, 72.4% were Inuit, 46.6% had BMI >25.0 kg/m2, 29.0% were smoking during pregnancy and 54.6% had used hashish. BMI, educational level, personal income, previous pregnancies and planned breastfeeding period were significantly higher in the age group >28 years of age compared to the age group ≤28 years of age. In region Disko Bay, 90.9% were Inuit, in region South more had a university degree (37.9%) and region East had the highest number of previous pregnancies, the highest number of smokers during pregnancy and the most frequent intake of sauce with hot meals and fast-food. Conclusions: Overall a high BMI and a high smoking frequency were found. Age differences were found for BMI and planned breastfeeding period, while regional differences were found for smoking and intake of sauce with hot meals and fast-food. Future recommendations aimed at pregnant women in Greenland should focus on these health issues.
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Anne Seneca Terkelsen; Manhai Long; Lise Hounsgaard; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld-Jørgensen
Dietary habits; Greenland; Reproductive health; Imported food; Lifestyle; POPs; Pregnant women
Titel på tidsskrift:
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
ISSN nummer:
DOI nummer:
Globally emitted contaminants accumulate in the Arctic and are stored in the frozen environments of the cryosphere. Climate change influences the release of these contaminants through elevated melt rates, resulting in increased contamination locally. Our understanding of how biological processes int…
Globally emitted contaminants accumulate in the Arctic and are stored in the frozen environments of the cryosphere. Climate change influences the release of these contaminants through elevated melt rates, resulting in increased contamination locally. Our understanding of how biological processes interact with contamination in the Arctic is limited. Through shotgun metagenomic data and binned genomes from metagenomes we show that microbial communities, sampled from multiple surface ice locations on the Greenland ice sheet, have the potential for resistance to and degradation of contaminants. The microbial potential to degrade anthropogenic contaminants, such as toxic and persistent polychlorinated biphenyls, was found to be spatially variable and not limited to regions close to human activities. Binned genomes showed close resemblance to microorganisms isolated from contaminated habitats. These results indicate that, from a microbiological perspective, the Greenland ice sheet cannot be seen as a pristine environment.
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Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann; Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén; Karen A. Cameron; Jacob Bælum; Damian R. Plichta; Marlene Dalgaard; Marek Stibal
Microbial metagenomics; Contaminants; Cryosphere; Greenland ice sheet
Titel på tidsskrift:
Enviromental Research Letters
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
DOI nummer:
»Avisen er uafhængig af politiske og økonomiske særinteresser« står der ofte i Sermitsiaq og AG’s tillægsaviser. Alligevel kan virksomheder og myndigheder betale for at bestemme, hvad journalisterne skal skrive i dem. I resten af avisen skal selv samme journalister forholde sig kritisk til samme vir…
»Avisen er uafhængig af politiske og økonomiske særinteresser« står der ofte i Sermitsiaq og AG’s tillægsaviser. Alligevel kan virksomheder og myndigheder betale for at bestemme, hvad journalisterne skal skrive i dem. I resten af avisen skal selv samme journalister forholde sig kritisk til samme virksomheder. Formår de det?
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Signe Ravn-Højgaard
Medier; Grønland; Media; Greenland; Medieøkonomi; Journalistik; Journalism
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Volume & nummer:
Dato & år:
01. december 2017
»Aviisi politikkikkut aningaasarsiornikkulluunniit arlaannaannullunniit attuumassuteqanngilaq«. Taamak Sermitsiaq AG-llu aviisini ilannguttagaanni allaqqasoqartarpoq. Taamaakkaluartoq suliffeqar- fiit pisortallu tusagassiortut sunik allaaserisaqarnissaanik inassinnaasarpaat. Aviisip sinnerani tusaga…
»Aviisi politikkikkut aningaasarsiornikkulluunniit arlaannaannullunniit attuumassuteqanngilaq«. Taamak Sermitsiaq AG-llu aviisini ilannguttagaanni allaqqasoqartarpoq. Taamaakkaluartoq suliffeqar- fiit pisortallu tusagassiortut sunik allaaserisaqarnissaanik inassinnaasarpaat. Aviisip sinnerani tusagassiortut taak- koqqissaat suliffeqarfinnut taakkununnga isornartorsiui- sussaapput. Sapinngilaat?
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Signe Ravn-Højgaard
Tusagassiorneq; Tusagassiutit
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Volume & nummer:
Dato & år:
01 decembari 2017
Forskning i patienters daglige livsførelse med sygdom viser hvordan patienter bliver udelukket fra indflydelse på egen behandling, pleje og rehabilitering, fordi professionelle er centreret omkring deres egen faglige praksis og vurderer faglig viden højere end patienters viden om deres liv. I det, d…
Forskning i patienters daglige livsførelse med sygdom viser hvordan patienter bliver udelukket fra indflydelse på egen behandling, pleje og rehabilitering, fordi professionelle er centreret omkring deres egen faglige praksis og vurderer faglig viden højere end patienters viden om deres liv. I det, der i sundhedsvæsenet kaldes 'fælles beslutningstagen', er det ikke nok at spørge til patienters umiddelbare præferencer i forhold til en bestemt indsats. Patienters sundhedsproblemer må forstås i relation til deres liv, som er formet i bestemte sociale og kulturelle sammenhænge, og som rummer ressourcer til at klare livet med sygdom. Denne viden kan sætte de professionelle i stand til at yde en indsats, som er relevant og brugbar for den enkelte patient. På den måde går kvalitet i sundhedsvæsenet og en medmenneskelig tilgang til patienterne hånd i hånd.
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Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat
Patientinddragelse; Fælles beslutningstagen; Sundhedsstrategier; Kvalitet; Hverdagsliv
Titel på tidsskrift:
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Peqqissaasut Kattuffiat
ISSN nummer:
Nysgerrighed omkring børn og unges fritids- og medievaner i et Grønland, hvor ikke engang hovedstaden Nuuk i midten af 1990’ern havde en biograf og hvor cafeer, ungdomsklubber og andre af de unges fritidssteder var begrænsede, fik mig til at spekulerer over, hvad de unge egentlig lavede i deres frit…
Nysgerrighed omkring børn og unges fritids- og medievaner i et Grønland, hvor ikke engang hovedstaden Nuuk i midten af 1990’ern havde en biograf og hvor cafeer, ungdomsklubber og andre af de unges fritidssteder var begrænsede, fik mig til at spekulerer over, hvad de unge egentlig lavede i deres fritid. Der var selvfølgelig sportshaller og mange muligheder for udendørs aktiviteter afhængig af årstiden, men var det også medierne, der fyldte fritiden ud for de unge i Grønland? Og hvis ja, så med hvad?
Eftersom medieforskning om unge i Grønland i 90’erne nærmest var ikke-eksisterende, måtte der startes fra bunden. Med basis i humaniora blev inspirationen fra grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1965) og induktiv forskning et startpunkt for en bred interesse for empiriske data om unges medievaner. Baseret først på ”convenience” etnografiske observationer (Bryman, 2012: 201-202) i hjembyen Nuuk, der kunne danne grundlag for relevante spørgsmål til et spørgeskema, blev det første kvantitative pilotprojekt omkring børn og unges medievaner distribueret i papirform til skoler i Nuuk i 1996. Inspiration fra andre landes medie- ungdomsforskning og især fra forskningsprojektet BUM (Børn, Unge og Medier, finansieret fra NorFa fra 1997-1999) i Danmark, som jeg blev tilknyttet, gjorde en bred deduktiv teoridannelse om unge og medier til et sæt løse formodninger om de unges medieliv, snarere en end egentligt hypotese, der skulle testes, som det ofte er tilfælde i kvantitativ forskning (Bryman, 2012: 161). Hensigten var hurtigt at få en bred kortlægning af fritidssituationen, især med henblik på mediebrug og -vaner.
Den første pilot-spørgeskemaundersøgelse i Nuuk blev startskuddet til flere spørgeskemaundersøgelser i 1997 og 2004 i papirform, og i 2015 som webbaseret survey i Relationswise. Alle disse spørgeskema-undersøgelser var landsdækkende.
Inspiration fra grounded theory om at se ungdomslivet fra så mange vinkler som muligt og for at skabe ”rich-data” (Geertz, 2000), blev hurtigt til interessen for mixed methods og triangulering. I de følgende år kom derfor også indimellem kvalitative undersøgelser i 1997og 2001 som opfølgning på spørgeskemaundersøgelserne og i 2000 en visuel antropologisk undersøgelse, der gentoges som undervisning i studenterprojekter i 2003 og 2006. Indimellem var mindre forskningsprojekter og forskning omkring film, medieforekomster som sociale medier og dele af ungdomskulturer – alle relaterede til undervisning på et lille universitet med få ansatte, der krævede stadig fornyelse for at de studerende kunne have valgmuligheder.
Metodemæssigt udviklede hele projektet: Mediespejlet: Medier, ungdom, identitet og globalisering i Grønland - kvantitative og kvalitative undersøgelser over 12-25-åriges liv med medier i grønlandske byer 1996-2016 sig i løbet af disse 20 år fra at være et projekt baseret på grounded theory over mixed methods (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2010), triangulering (Denzin, 1970; Bryman, 2012), transgressive methods og post-feminisme (Lather, 1991, Staunæs & Petersen, 2000), indigenous methods (Denzin, Lincoln & Smith, 2008, Smith, 1999) til visuel antropologi (Pink, 2006; Mitchell, 2011; Rose, 2011). Det er denne både teoretiske og metodemæssige rejse, som denne afhandling vil søge at dække med 17 artikler fordelt på de temaer der manifesterede sig i løbet af forskningen, som grounded theory dekreterer og som løbende blev til forskningsspørgsmål eller ”kategorier” (Bryman, 2012: 570). Alle handlede de om unges mediebrug i bred forstand: Hvilke medier bruger de unge i deres hverdag? Hvad interesserer dem? Hvad er hovedudfordringen for de unge i relation til deres medieforbrug som for eksempel ’adgang’? Hvordan forsøger de at få så meget som muligt ud af deres medieliv/ungdomsliv, hvor end de end bor? Andre spørgsmål var: Hvordan bruger disse unge mennesker medier til at optimere deres identitet og deres livsvilkår som unge lokale i en globaliseret verden? Hvordan er deres hverdagsliv i urbane centre så vel som i små byer med hensyn til familieliv, ungdomsliv, medier og fritidsmuligheder?
Temaerne udmøntede sig til det, der nu, på basis af artiklerne, er blevet kapitler i denne afhandling: En visuel kultur i et globalt perspektiv (kapitel 4.1); KNR2 - Public service i Grønland (kapitel 5); Unge, medier og urbanisering og postkolonialisme (kapitel 6); Unge, medier og identitet (kapitel 7); Unge medier og globalisering (kapitel 8). Kapitlerne 1, 2 og 3 giver en Præsentation af afhandlingen og artiklerne (kapitel 1), af Børn, medier og socialisering (kapitel 2) og af Perspektiver på grønlandske byer (kapitel 3). Kapitel 4 beskriver Metodiske og videnskabsteoretiske refleksioner og endelig er kapitel 9 et forsøg på at trække de store linjer og give et overblik over Ungdom og medieforbrug fra 1996-2016.
Grønland har nu fået biografer, TV-situationen har bedret sig i byerne og Internettet i mange af de store byer har betydet et helt nyt liv: Muligheder for virkeligt at være globale unge, for at købe ting på nettet, som byerne ikke umiddelbart har på lager og muligheder for nu på afstand at holde kontakt med venner og familie som aldrig før med mobiltelefoner, IPads, face time, sociale medier og Skype, uanset en dyr og besværlig infrastruktur. Sådan er det mange steder! Som mine undersøgelser imidlertid vil vise er Grønland stadig et land præget af geografiske forskelle, som selv ikke en digital revolution endnu har udbedret – helt!
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Jette Rygaard
Kvantitativ; Kvalitativ; Unges liv; Medier; Medieforbrug; Ittoqqortoormiit; Tasiilaq; Aasiaat; Upernavik; Sisimiut; Qaqortoq; Nuuk
Aalborg University Press
Climate change and globalisation are opening up the Arctic for exploitation by the world – or so we are told. But what about the views, interests, and needs of the peoples who live in the region? What about the myriad of other factors affecting the Arctic and its peoples? This book explores opportun…
Climate change and globalisation are opening up the Arctic for exploitation by the world – or so we are told. But what about the views, interests, and needs of the peoples who live in the region? What about the myriad of other factors affecting the Arctic and its peoples? This book explores opportunities and limitations in engaging with the Arctic under change, and the Arctic peoples experiencing the change, through the lens of understanding Arcticness: what the Arctic means to Arctic peoples socially and physically. The chapters bring together a variety of disciplines, such as law, politics, geography and the arts, to examine what Arctic peoples could learn from and teach elsewhere, across disciplines and across locations. The authors reflect on philosophies of change in tandem with philosophies of the Arctic, particularly as represented by everyday experiences, memories and geographical imaginations.
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Anne Merrild Hansen
Ilan Kelman
Arctic; Climate Change
Titel på værtspublikation:
Arcticness: Power and Voice from the North
UCL Press
ISBN nummer:
External imaginings of the future Arctic range from protected wilder- ness to booming oil and gas province, and proponents of different visions frequently clash in global public arenas. At the same time, external per- ceptions, whether pro-development or pro-conservation, frequently fail to reflect…
External imaginings of the future Arctic range from protected wilder- ness to booming oil and gas province, and proponents of different visions frequently clash in global public arenas. At the same time, external per- ceptions, whether pro-development or pro-conservation, frequently fail to reflect the realities of living in the Arctic, or to incorporate the views (and imaginings) of local inhabitants – those most affected by Arctic resource projects. The Arctic region does have significant resource potential. The United States Geological Survey estimated that 25 per cent of the world’s undiscovered petroleum reserves were to be found in the Arctic.1 The Arctic also represents around 10 per cent of the global nickel, cobalt and tungsten markets, 26 per cent of diamond gem stones and up to 40 per cent of the global production of palladium.2 Yet uncer- tainty about the viability of natural resource projects is ever-present. Companies may be highly visible and a project intensely debated long before it is clear whether natural resource deposits, national-level negotiations and global markets will result in actual extraction for the market. Often local communities have very little information availa- ble at this point and yet the very prospect of an industrial project can transform the way a local community imagines – and prepares for – its own future.
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Emma Wilson; Anne Merrild Hansen; Elana Wilson Rowe
Ilan Kelman
Arctic; Climate Change; Extractive
Titel på værtspublikation:
Arcticness: Power and Voice from the North
UCL Press
ISBN nummer:
Challenges related to access and supply of fossil fuel generated energy in Arctic communities, together with a global agenda to fight the climate change, including through promoting renewable energy systems as alternatives to fossil fuels, are motivating implementation of renewables in the Arctic Re…
Challenges related to access and supply of fossil fuel generated energy in Arctic communities, together with a global agenda to fight the climate change, including through promoting renewable energy systems as alternatives to fossil fuels, are motivating implementation of renewables in the Arctic Region, as in the rest of the world. Various benefits are anticipated in relation to implementation of renewables in Arctic communities, a fact that is driving interest in an appraisal of the state of energy production in the Arctic toward a transition from fossil fuel generated electricity and heating, to an Arctic energy system based on renewable energy sources. To understand and promote the potential for increased implementation of renewable energy solutions, it is important to investigate the role of key factors such as the economy, infrastructure and technology for the transition process. This article is based on an explorative study and analysis of how these three key factors are driving and challenging implementation of renewables. It aims at contributing to the debate on how to promote renewables in the four Arctic areas: Alaska, Canadian Arctic, Greenland and Russian Arctic. Key findings are discussed and recommendations to tackle some of the identified challenges are provided.
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Lucia Mortensen; Anne Merrild Hansen; Alexander Shestakov
Arctic; Renewable energy
Titel på tidsskrift:
Polar Geography
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Global energy problems will remain a challenge in the coming decades. The impact of climate change and the melting of polar sea ice opening up access to offshore hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic Ocean, raises questions for both civil society and the scientific community over drilling opportunitie…
Global energy problems will remain a challenge in the coming decades. The impact of climate change and the melting of polar sea ice opening up access to offshore hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic Ocean, raises questions for both civil society and the scientific community over drilling opportunities in Arctic marine areas.
Disparities in approach to the governance of oil and gas extraction in the Arctic arise from fundamental differences in histories, cultures, domestic constraints and substantive values and attitudes in the Arctic coastal states and sub-states. Differing political systems, legal traditions and societal beliefs with regard to energy security and economic development, environmental protection, legitimacy of decision making, and the ownership and respect of the rights of indigenous people, all affect how governance systems of oil and gas extraction are designed.
Using a multidisciplinary approach and case studies from the USA, Norway, Russia, Canada, Greenland/Denmark and the EU, this book both examines the current governance of extraction and its effects and considers ways to enhance the efficiency of environmental management and public participation in this system.
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Ellen Margrethe Basse; Cécile Pelaudeix
Indigenous rights; Marine; Arctic
Titel på værtspublikation:
Governance of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas
The Arctic Region is characterised by vulnerable ecosystems and residing indigenous people, dependent on nature for subsistence fishing and hunting. The Arctic also contains a wealth of non-living natural resources such as minerals and hydrocarbons. Synergies between increased access and growing glo…
The Arctic Region is characterised by vulnerable ecosystems and residing indigenous people, dependent on nature for subsistence fishing and hunting. The Arctic also contains a wealth of non-living natural resources such as minerals and hydrocarbons. Synergies between increased access and growing global demand for the Arctic resources influence the level and nature of human activity and its influence on the environment. It is therefore essential to assess and mitigate the cumulative impacts from these activities. Environmental Assessment (EA) is a common tool applied by the Arctic nations to secure that environmental considerations are included in decision-making when new plans and projects are implemented. However, recent research has indicated that assessment of cumulative impacts in EAs is inconsistent and the practises ambiguous. This article explores this phenomenon further by reviewing and analysing current practices of assessing cumulative impacts in EAs in relation to offshore oil and gas activities in the Arctic. It is found that cumulative impacts assessments are generally lacking. The practitioners involved explain this with reference to the challenge of addressing and assessing cumulative impacts due to their complex nature. They further point at lacking methodological guidelines as well as lack of resources during the impact assessment process.
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Trine Skovgaard Kirkfeldt; Anne Merrild Hansen; Pernille Olesen; Lucia Mortensen; Kameliya Hristova; Alexander Welsch
James Ford
Environmental; Impact; Assessment; Strategic; Cumulative impacts; Offshore oil and gas; Arctic
Titel på tidsskrift:
Regional Environmental Change
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Regional Environmental Change
This article examines the reception of Old Norse literature and culture in the literatures of the Scottish islands of Orkney and Shetland. It compares in particular the work of Shetland author James John Haldane Burgess (1862-1927) and the Orcadian author George Mackay Brown (1921-1996) and it evalu…
This article examines the reception of Old Norse literature and culture in the literatures of the Scottish islands of Orkney and Shetland. It compares in particular the work of Shetland author James John Haldane Burgess (1862-1927) and the Orcadian author George Mackay Brown (1921-1996) and it evaluates the ways in which these two figures use their geographically peripheral positions as unique vantage points from which to reframe Nordic identity in their writing. By re-orientating the Scottish Islands from the periphery of Britain to the centre of important scenes in Nordic history, Haldane Burgess and Mackay Brown each construct a distinctive sense of geographical and cultural place. This approach allows the boundaries of the Nordic cultural sphere to be extended, and for a new and complex third space to emerge, in which the islands connect the Nordic and Anglo-Celtic realms and situate them within world literature.
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Timothy Saunders
Peripheries; Literatures; Nordic; Orkney; Shetland
Titel på tidsskrift:
Scandinavica - International Journal of Scandinavian Studies
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Norvik Press
United Kingdom
ISSN nummer:
ISSN 0036-5653
Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Orkney, Shetland and, to some extent, the Hebrides, share both a Nordic cultural and linguistic heritage, and the experience of being surrounded by the ever-present North Atlantic Ocean. This has been a constant in the islanders’ history, forging their unique way of life,…
Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Orkney, Shetland and, to some extent, the Hebrides, share both a Nordic cultural and linguistic heritage, and the experience of being surrounded by the ever-present North Atlantic Ocean. This has been a constant in the islanders’ history, forging their unique way of life, influencing their customs and traditions, and has been instrumental in moulding their identities.
This volume is an exploration of a rich, intimate and, at times, terrifying relationship. It is the result of an international conference held in April 2014, when scholars from across the North Atlantic rim congregated in Lerwick, Shetland, to discuss maritime traditions, islands in Old Norse literature, insular archaeology, folklore, and traditional belief. The chapters reflect the varied origins of the contributors. Icelanders are well represented, as are scholars based in Orkney and Shetland, indicating the strength of scholarship in these seemingly isolated archipelagos. Peripheral they may be to the UK, but they lie at the heart of the North Atlantic, at the intersection of British and Nordic cultures.
This book will be of interest to scholars of a wide range of disciplines, such as those involved in island studies, cultural studies, Old Norse literature, Icelandic studies, maritime heritage, oceanography, linguistics, folklore, British studies, ethnology, and archaeology. Similarly, it will also appeal to researchers from a wide geographical area, particularly the UK, and Scandinavia, and indeed anywhere where there is an interest in the study of islands or the North Atlantic.
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Area studies; Cultural history; Scotland; North Atlantic; Geography
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN nummer:
978-1-4438-5512-9 (print)
Staðbundnar dygdarvørur. Hugskotlisti til Fiskimálaráðið
Ilisimatusarfimmi Isumaginninnermut siunnersortinngorniarneq suliamut tunngaviit misissuiffigeqqaarnagit Naalakkersuisumit matuneqalerpoq
Isumaginninnermut siunnersortinngorniarneq kingumut aarlerinartorsiorteqqinneqarpoq
The scarcely populated island of Greenland offers a unique opportunity both to study the complex dependencies and tensions of contemporary “global” or “transnational” journalism and to test and develop the explanation power of one key theoretical framework, field theory. With only one (national and…
The scarcely populated island of Greenland offers a unique opportunity both to study the complex dependencies and tensions of contemporary “global” or “transnational” journalism and to test and develop the explanation power of one key theoretical framework, field theory. With only one (national and public) broadcaster and two weekly newspapers, the journalistic field in Greenland is small, exposed and vulnerable. It is embedded in the broader political, economic and professional field dynamics of Denmark, the former colonial power. For instance, the legislation and the organizational structure of the media are inherited and a flow of Danish visiting journalists and editors keep up the norms and the value system of the field. At the same time, Greenlandic journalism operates in a nation of its own with distinct characteristics: small size, politics of the bilingualism, tight local networks with a small elite and close ties between reporters and possible sources shape the field practically, professionally and socially (in a specific, local way). These tensions between the “global-colonial” and “local” capitals and capacities are negotiated and managed in the everyday practices of newsrooms. There is almost no previous research on Greenlandic media in general and journalism practice in particular. Mapping this small but contested field allows us to highlight some of the key analytical strengths of Bourdieu’s field theory and its ability to capture the dynamic actor relationships in such a complex, structured space. At the same time, however, the “post-colonial” realities of Greenlandic journalism can help us to pose some questions about the limits – or the need for further development – of Bourdieu’s initial sketch about the journalistic field. This chapter tests the analytical concepts of capital and habitus by putting them to empirical work through an ethnographic study of practices and structures of news making in Greenland.
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Naimah Hussain
Journalism; Media; Greenland; Bourdieu; Field analysis; Post colonialism; Language
Titel på værtspublikation:
Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement
Edition Lumiere
ISBN nummer:
Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiornermik ilinniartitsineq 1982-2017 | Journalistuddannelsen i Grønland 1982-2017
Naimah Hussain
Naimah Hussain; Mariia Simonsen; Naja Paulsen
Journalistuddannelsen; Journalistik; Medier; Uddannelsespolitik
Ilisimatusarfik / Atuagkat
ISBN nummer:
Skismaet om størrelse - hvad skal vi med en grønlandsk journalistuddannelse?
Naimah Hussain
Naimah Hussain; Naja Paulsen
Journalistik; Journalistuddannelse; Uddannelsespolitik
Titel på værtspublikation:
Kalaallit Nunaanni tusagassiornermik ilinniartitsineq 1982-2017 | Journalistuddannelsen i Grønland 1982-2017
Ilisimatusarfik / Atuagkat
ISBN nummer:
Jeg ringer efter politiet! Sådan kan I ikke behandle den grønlandske nationaldragt!” – Uenigheder om identitet og kulturelle udtryk i grønlandsk mode
Mode; Revitalisering; Kalaallisuut; Den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt; Diaspora; Design
Titel på tidsskrift:
Grønlandsk Kultur- og Samfundsforskning 2015-17
Ilisimatusarfik / Forlaget Atuagkat
ISSN nummer:
Vi skal udvikle folkeskolen for børnenes skyld – ikke for lærernes, forældrenes, forvaltningen eller politikernes skyld. Derfor skal vi have mere fokus på at skabe tillidsfulde relationer, skriver Gitte Løvgren fra Odsherred Kommune og Kevin Perry fra AAU.
Folkeskole; Forældre; Tillid
Navn på avis:
Dato & år:
9. august
Inpeccantia - Sinlessness - According to William of Saint-Thierry
History; Theology
Titel på tidsskrift:
Analecta Cisterciensia
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Rapporten er en midtvejsevaluering af folkesundhedsprogrammet Inuuneritta II. Der er tale om en procesevaluering, der fokuserer på, hvordan det er gået med at føre programmet ud i praksis.
Formålet med rapporten er at give konstruktive input, mens det stadig er muligt at justere og tilpasse program…
Rapporten er en midtvejsevaluering af folkesundhedsprogrammet Inuuneritta II. Der er tale om en procesevaluering, der fokuserer på, hvordan det er gået med at føre programmet ud i praksis.
Formålet med rapporten er at give konstruktive input, mens det stadig er muligt at justere og tilpasse programmet. Ved udgangen af 2016 havde alle 4 programområder i Inuuneritta II haft hvert deres indsatsår, og alle områder bør derfor ifølge planen være overgået til drift. Det derfor et oplagt tidspunkt at gøre status på implementeringen af programmet fra 2013-2016, det vil sige de første 4 år af programmets levetid på i alt 7 år.
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Christine Ingemann; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen
Public health; Health promotion; Health policy; Greenland; Implementation
Statens Institut for Folkesundhed
Palliative cancer care in Greenland is provided by health professionals at local level, the national Queen Ingrid's Hospital and at Rigshospitalet in Denmark. To improve and develop care for relatives of patients with advanced cancer, we conducted a mixed method study examining relatives' level of s…
Palliative cancer care in Greenland is provided by health professionals at local level, the national Queen Ingrid's Hospital and at Rigshospitalet in Denmark. To improve and develop care for relatives of patients with advanced cancer, we conducted a mixed method study examining relatives' level of satisfaction with care and treatment and their current main concerns. The aim was to investigate relatives' level of satisfaction with advanced cancer care and bring to light their current main concerns. The FAMCARE-20 questionnaire was translated to Greenlandic and pilot tested. The questionnaire was supplemented by open-ended questions about relative's current main concerns and analyzed with a phenomenological hermeneutical approach. Greenlandic patients with advanced cancer who were previously participating in a prospective study were asked if their closest adult relative would participate in the study. Telephone interviews were conducted and relatives responded to the questionnaire. A total of thirty-two relatives were contacted by telephone and 30 (94%) completed the FAMCARE-20 questionnaire and answered open-ended questions. The highest rate of satisfaction was with the availability of a hospital bed (66%) and relatives were the most dissatisfied with the lack of inclusion in decision making related to treatment and care (71%) and the length of time required to diagnose cancer (70%). Responses to the open-ended questions revealed that relatives faced challenges in gaining access to information from health professionals. They experienced a lack of security, worries about the future and a lack of support at home. The study showed a substantial level of dissatisfaction among relatives of patients with advanced cancer. We strongly recommend a focus on psychosocial care, more access to information and to include relatives in decision making and in the future planning of palliative care services. An assessment of relatives' needs is essential to develop an adequate palliative care in a range of settings.
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Avanceret cancer behandling i Grønland
Titel på værtspublikation:
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
ISBN nummer:
Purpose The aims were to describe symptoms and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Greenlandic patients with advanced cancer and to assess the applicability and internal consistency of the Greenlandic version of the EORTC-QLQ-C30 core version 3.0. Methods A Greenlandic version of the EORTC QLQ…
Purpose The aims were to describe symptoms and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Greenlandic patients with advanced cancer and to assess the applicability and internal consistency of the Greenlandic version of the EORTC-QLQ-C30 core version 3.0. Methods A Greenlandic version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 v.3.0 was developed. The translation process included independent forward translation, reconciliation and independent back translation by native Greenlandic-speaking translators who were fluent in English. After pilot testing, a population-based cross-sectional study of patients with advanced cancer receiving palliative treatment was conducted. Internal consistency was examined by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficients for five function scales and three symptom scales. Results Of the 58 patients who participated in the study, 47% had reduced social functioning, 36% had reduced physical and role functioning and 19% had reduced emotional and cognitive functioning. Furthermore, 48% reported fatigue, and 33% reported financial problems. The Greenlandic version of the EORTC had good applicability in the assessment of symptoms and quality of life. Acceptable Cronbach's alpha coefficients (above 0.70) were observed for the physical, role and social functioning scales, the fatigue scale and the global health status scale. Conclusions Patients with undergoing palliative treatment in Greenland for advanced cancer reported high levels of social and financial problems and reduced physical functioning. This indicates a potential for improving palliative care service and increasing the focus on symptom management. The Greenlandic version of the EORTC-QLQ-C30 represents an applicable and reliable tool to describe symptoms and health-related quality of life among Greenlandic patients with advanced cancer.
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Helbredsrelateret livskvalitet; Grønlandske kræftpatienter
Titel på værtspublikation:
European Journal of Oncology Nursing
ISBN nummer:
BACKGROUND: Telemedicine may have the possibility to provide better access to healthcare delivery for the citizens. Telemedicine in arctic remote areas must be tailored according to the needs of the local population. Therefore, we need more knowledge about their needs and their view of telemedicine.…
BACKGROUND: Telemedicine may have the possibility to provide better access to healthcare delivery for the citizens. Telemedicine in arctic remote areas must be tailored according to the needs of the local population. Therefore, we need more knowledge about their needs and their view of telemedicine.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study has been to explore how citizens living in the Greenlandic settlements experience the possibilities and challenges of telemedicine when receiving healthcare delivery in everyday life.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case study design was chosen as the overall research design. Qualitative interviews (n = 14) were performed and participant observations (n = 80 h) carried out in the local healthcare center in the settlements and towns. A logbook was kept and updated each day during the field research in Greenland. Observations were made of activities in the settlements.
FINDINGS: Data collected on citizens' views about the possibilities of using telemedicine in Greenland revealed the following findings: Greenlandic citizens are positive toward telemedicine, and telemedicine can help facilitate improved access to healthcare for residents in these Greenlandic settlements. Regarding challenges in using telemedicine in Greenland, the geographical and cultural context hinders accessibility to the Greenlandic healthcare system, and telemedicine equipment is not sufficiently mobile.
CONCLUSION: Greenlandic citizens are positive toward telemedicine and regard telemedicine as a facilitator for improved access for healthcare in the Greenlandic settlements. We have identified challenges, such as geographical and cultural context, that hinder accessibility to the Greenlandic healthcare system.
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Lasse Overballe Nielsen; Hans Jørgen Krebs; Nancy M. Albert; Nick Andersen; sheryl Catz; Timothy M. Hale; John Hansen ; Lise Hounsgaard; Tae Youn Kim; David Lindemann; Helle Spindler; James P. Marcin; Thomas Nesbitt; Heather M. Young; Birthe Dinesen
Telemedicin i Grønland
Titel på værtspublikation:
Tidsskrift Telemedicine and e-Health
ISBN nummer:
Marianne Skytte; Jens Guldager
Jens Guldager
Socialt arbejde; Teorier; Metoder; Sociale problemer
Akademisk Forlag
The concept of sustainability has taken centre stage in Arctic politics. However, there is little agreement on what ‘sustainable’ means. For different actors (governments, indigenous people, NGOs, etc.) the concept implies different sets of opportunities and precautions. Sustainability, therefore, i…
The concept of sustainability has taken centre stage in Arctic politics. However, there is little agreement on what ‘sustainable’ means. For different actors (governments, indigenous people, NGOs, etc.) the concept implies different sets of opportunities and precautions. Sustainability, therefore, is much more a fundamental idea to be further elaborated depending on contexts than a definable term with a specific meaning. The paper argues a research agenda that aims to map and analyse the role of sustainability in political and economic strategies in the Arctic. Sustainability has become a fundamental concept that orders the relationship between the environment (nature) and development (economy), however, in the process rearticulating other concepts such as identity (society) and security (state). Hence, we discuss, first, how sustainability when meeting the Arctic changes its meaning and application from the global ecosphere to a regional environment, and, second, how sustainability is again conceptually transformed when meeting Greenlandic ambitions for postcoloniality. This discussion leads us to outline an agenda for how to study the way in which sustainability works as a political concept.
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Gail Fondahl; Gary N. Wilson
Arctic; Sustainability; Opportunities and challenges; Risk; Conceptual history
Titel på værtspublikation:
Northern sustainabilities : Understanding and adressing change in the circumpolar world
ISBN nummer:
The sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk significantly in the last decades. Partly as a result, the transport pattern has changed with more traffic in remote areas. This change may increase the risk of accidents. The critical factors are harsh weather, ice conditions, remoteness and vulnerability. In th…
The sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk significantly in the last decades. Partly as a result, the transport pattern has changed with more traffic in remote areas. This change may increase the risk of accidents. The critical factors are harsh weather, ice conditions, remoteness and vulnerability. In this paper we look into the risks of accidents in the Atlantic Arctic based on previous ship accidents and the changes in maritime activity. The risk has to be assessed to ensure a proper level of response in emergency situations. As accidents are rare, there are limited statistics available for Arctic marine accidents. Therefore, in this study a mostly qualitative analysis and expert judgement is the basis for the risk assessments. Implications for the emergency preparedness system of the region are discussed. The consequences of incidents depend on the incident type, scale and location.
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Nataliya Marchenko; Odd Jarl Borch; Natalia Andreassen; Svetlana Kuznetsova; Valur Ingimundarson; Uffe Jakobsen
Adam Weintrit
Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; Shipping routes; Maritime security
Titel på værtspublikation:
Marine navigation and safety of sea transportation
Taylor & Francis
ISBN nummer:
Rikke Vesterlund
Naturvejledning; Udeskole; Naturfag; Ungdomsuddannelse
Titel på tidsskrift:
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Naturvejlederforeningen i Danmark
Experiences and expectations in the first trimester of pregnancy: a qualitative study
BACKGROUND: A dominant context for pregnant women in the Western world is medical technologies such as ultrasound and screening. It has been argued that such technologies may result in tentative pregnancies, which may be particularly prominent in the first trimester. However, little is known about h…
BACKGROUND: A dominant context for pregnant women in the Western world is medical technologies such as ultrasound and screening. It has been argued that such technologies may result in tentative pregnancies, which may be particularly prominent in the first trimester. However, little is known about how women experience early pregnancy.
OBJECTIVE: To explore the everyday experiences and expectations of first trimester pregnant women in a medicalized context of comprehensive and routine prenatal screening.
DESIGN: Qualitative, semi-structured interviews analysed using thematic analysis.
SETTING: Between May 2015 and January 2016, participants were recruited from two general practices and one obstetric ultrasound unit in Aarhus, Denmark.
PARTICIPANTS: Twenty, first trimester pregnant women (15 primiparae, five multiparae) aged 21-39 years.
RESULTS: Early pregnancy is often kept secret in the first trimester due to a higher risk of miscarriage. However, the pregnancy is very real in the lives of the pregnant women who make it meaningful through practices of information seeking, listening to the body and anticipating the different milestones in pregnancy. First trimester screening represents one such milestone that is expected to mark a new and more certain phase in the pregnancy. A majority expects to terminate following a prenatal diagnosis, but this does not seem to influence their engagement with the pregnancy.
CONCLUSIONS: The pregnant women use medical technologies to mark a milestone in pregnancy but do not expect all concerns to disappear upon a normal screening result. The majority of women acknowledge that pregnancy involves simultaneous feelings of happiness and worry.
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Pregnancy; Birth; Qualitative research; Anthropology
Titel på tidsskrift:
Health Expectations
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
ISSN nummer: