Marc Jacobsen; Ulrik Pram Gad; Ole Wæver
Arctic; Securitization; Greenland; US
Titel på værtspublikation:
Greenland in Arctic Security (De)securitization Dynamics under Climatic Thaw and Geopolitical Freeze
University of Michigan Press
ISBN nummer:
0472076701, 9780472076703
Arctic Indigenous Peoples have, through their own persistence, advanced the development of the Western European legal norms in a system that once facilitated their colonisation. The fiftieth anniversary of the Arctic Peoples’ Conference took place in 2023. The occasion was marked with another Confer…
Arctic Indigenous Peoples have, through their own persistence, advanced the development of the Western European legal norms in a system that once facilitated their colonisation. The fiftieth anniversary of the Arctic Peoples’ Conference took place in 2023. The occasion was marked with another Conference, this time in Ilulissat, Greenland. It was a moment to reflect on the achievements of Arctic Indigenous Peoples, to build upon the 1973 resolutions and to address contemporary challenges. The resultant Joint Statement addresses the need for enhanced engagement in the forums of international law, intergenerational justice, intersecting rights to wellbeing, land, water and natural resources, and to address the risks posed by climate change and colonialism.
Læs mere
Zuzanna Godzimirska ; William Hamilton Byrne
Arctic; Indigenous peoples; International law
Titel på tidsskrift:
Nordic Journal of International Law
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Volume 93
ISSN nummer:
Greenlandic art and history are closely intertwined and have influenced each other throughout the ages. Studying the art of a particular period or artist can provide valuable insights into the historical context, cultural values, and social dynamics of that time. Similarly, understanding historical…
Greenlandic art and history are closely intertwined and have influenced each other throughout the ages. Studying the art of a particular period or artist can provide valuable insights into the historical context, cultural values, and social dynamics of that time. Similarly, understanding historical events can deepen our appreciation and interpretation of artworks created during those periods. This sample syllabus was taught in 2023, with the aim to explore the interconnectedness of art and history through the works of Kalaaleq (Greenlandic Inuit) artists. Students learned about a range of approaches that link historical research with art. The topics were selected by students using a method called “creating collaborative syllabus” at the beginning of the course (usually during the first week). The syllabus is a first step to use art and creative praxis as part of history teaching at Ilisimatusarfik, but may also be used as a starting point when teaching about Greenlandic art and history at other institutions. Feel free to adapt it as you wish!
Læs mere
Arctic; Art; History; Education; Indigenous knowledge; Culture
This article is a Kalaallisut (West Greenlandic) translation summarizing a longer English article originally published in 2023, in the History Education Research Journal published by University College London Press: https://doi.org/10.14324/HERJ.20.1.04
Ilisimatusartut ilinniartitsi…
This article is a Kalaallisut (West Greenlandic) translation summarizing a longer English article originally published in 2023, in the History Education Research Journal published by University College London Press: https://doi.org/10.14324/HERJ.20.1.04
Ilisimatusartut ilinniartitsisullu nunaqavissut avataaneersullu ilarpassuisa nunat killiit avataanniittut ilisimasaat oqaluttuarisaanerallu pingaarnertut ilisimatusarfigineqartunut ilinniagarineqartunullu naleqqiullugit sammineqannginnerusarlutillu atorumaneqannginnerusarnerat qangalili isornartorsiortarsimavaat. Oqaluttuarisaaneq pillugu ilinniartitsinerup ajornartorsiummut tamatumunnga qanoq aaqqiissutaaqataasinnaanera misissuiviginiarlugu allaaserisami matumani ilisimatusartut Issittumi naqavissuusut aallaavigineqarput. Qanga pisimasut pillugit qanoq ilisimasaqartoqartigineranut nunasiaataanerup sunniutaanik ilisimatuutut siornatigut misissorneqarsimasunik atorluaanikkut allaaserisami matumani siunnersuutigineqarpoq UNESCO-p Piujuartitsilluni Ineriartortitsineq pillugu Ilinniartitsinermut (ESD) tunngavissiaa nutaaq 2021-mi maajimi saqqummiunneqartoq aallaavigineqassasoq. Allaaserisaq naggaserlugu nunap inuii sammisatut ilisimatusarfiginagit nunap inuiisa ilisimatusarfigisaannit ilinniarfiginninnissap pingaaruteqassusia erseqqissarneqarpoq. Ilisimatusartullu nunaqavissut ilisimasanik assigiinngitsunik aallerfigisinnaasanut naapertuilluartumik naligiissumillu pullaveqarnissatsinnut taakkuninngalu atorluaanissatsinnut iluaqutigisinnaasatsinnik pingaarutilinnik periusissiorsimanerat erseqqissarneqarpoq.
Abstract: Many Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars and educators have long criticized how non-Western knowledge and histories are actively discriminated against in mainstream research and education. This article foregrounds Indigenous scholarship from the Arctic region to explore how history education can contribute to addressing this issue. By drawing on previous research on the colonial impact on knowledge about the past, the article proposes a shift in perspective in light of the new UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) framework introduced in May 2021. The article concludes by pointing out the value of learning from Indigenous scholarship rather than only studying it as a separate subject. This is because Indigenous scholars have created important approaches that can help us achieve fair and equitable access to, and benefit from, different knowledge resources and systems.
Læs mere
Arctic; History education; Indigenous languages; Kalaallisut
Titel på tidsskrift:
The Northern Review
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Yukon University
Whitehorse, Yukon
DOI nummer:
The mediated Arctic analyses the multiple relations between geography and cultural production that have long shaped - and are currently transforming - the circumpolar world. It explores how twenty-first-century cultural practitioners imagine and poeticise various elements of Arctic geography, and in…
The mediated Arctic analyses the multiple relations between geography and cultural production that have long shaped - and are currently transforming - the circumpolar world. It explores how twenty-first-century cultural practitioners imagine and poeticise various elements of Arctic geography, and in doing so negotiate pressing environmental, (geo)political, and social concerns. From the plasmatic force of ice in Disney's Frozen films to the spatial vocabulary of circumpolar Indigenous hip hop, it addresses Arctic geographical imaginaries in a wide range of media, including literature, cinema, comic books, music videos, and cartographic art. The book brings together a plurality of voices from within and outside the circumpolar North, both in terms of the works analysed and in its own collaborative scholarly practice. The book bridges Indigenous and Southern mediations of the Arctic and combines different epistemologies to do justice to these imaginaries in their diversity.
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Aviaq Fleischer; Scott MacKenzie; Johannes Riquet; Anna Westerstahl Stenport
Johannes Riquet
Arctic; Comic books; Greenland; Circumpolar geographies
Titel på værtspublikation:
The Mediated Arctic - Poetics and politics of contemporary circumpolar geographies
Manchester University Press
ISBN nummer:
The mediated Arctic analyses the multiple relations between geography and cultural production that have long shaped - and are currently transforming - the circumpolar world. It explores how twenty-first-century cultural practitioners imagine and poeticise various elements of Arctic geography, and in…
The mediated Arctic analyses the multiple relations between geography and cultural production that have long shaped - and are currently transforming - the circumpolar world. It explores how twenty-first-century cultural practitioners imagine and poeticise various elements of Arctic geography, and in doing so negotiate pressing environmental, (geo)political, and social concerns. From the plasmatic force of ice in Disney's Frozen films to the spatial vocabulary of circumpolar Indigenous hip hop, it addresses Arctic geographical imaginaries in a wide range of media, including literature, cinema, comic books, music videos, and cartographic art. The book brings together a plurality of voices from within and outside the circumpolar North, both in terms of the works analysed and in its own collaborative scholarly practice. The book bridges Indigenous and Southern mediations of the Arctic and combines different epistemologies to do justice to these imaginaries in their diversity.
Læs mere
Johannes Riquet
Arctic; Hip hop; Circumpolar geographies; We up; Canada; Greenland; Finland
Titel på værtspublikation:
The Mediated Arctic - Poetics and politics of contemporary circumpolar geographies
Manchester University Press
ISBN nummer:
The future of the Arctic region is dependent on several structural forces, the most important being climate change, but geopolitical dynamics are increasingly coming to the fore and institutional cooperation is currently hampered. The future of the region is also highly contested and subject to much…
The future of the Arctic region is dependent on several structural forces, the most important being climate change, but geopolitical dynamics are increasingly coming to the fore and institutional cooperation is currently hampered. The future of the region is also highly contested and subject to much speculation, some predicting a race, a struggle or both simultaneously while others predict a more orderly and stable development. As a result, we decided to organise a survey asking Arctic experts their predictions about the likelihood of possible Arctic geopolitical developments.
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Arctic Circle Secretariat
Arctic; Security; Governance; Expert survey
Titel på tidsskrift:
Arctic Circle Journal
Arctic Circle
In a 2017 book chapter on the continuing erasure of Indigenous epistemes in academia, the Sami scholar Rauna Kuokkanen posed an important question: is it acceptable for a site of learning to be so ignorant? Foregrounding Indigenous scholarship from the Arctic, this article examines the potential of…
In a 2017 book chapter on the continuing erasure of Indigenous epistemes in academia, the Sami scholar Rauna Kuokkanen posed an important question: is it acceptable for a site of learning to be so ignorant? Foregrounding Indigenous scholarship from the Arctic, this article examines the potential of history education to address this question. Based on previous research on Arctic gender history and the coloniality of knowledge, I suggest a paradigm shift, in view of the new UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development framework (May 2021). The research investigates the challenges and opportunities that history education offers in terms of epistemic and cognitive justice within the context of Arctic memory cultures. The article concludes that much can be learned from (not about) Indigenous scholarship, which has long demonstrated a range of critical and sustainable methodologies that offer opportunities to seek epistemic justice and the restitution of cultural memory.
Læs mere
Arctic; History; Education; Indigenous knowledge; Culture; Memory; Equity; Social justice; Social sustainability
Titel på tidsskrift:
History Education Research
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
UCL Press
United Kingdom
DOI nummer:
Lassi Heininen; Sara Olsvig; Justin Barnes; Heather Exner-Pirot
Lassi Heininen; Justin Barnes; Heather Exner-Pirot
Arctic; Social science; Research ethics; Indigenous peoples; Indigenous knowledge
Titel på tidsskrift:
Arctic Yearbook
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security of the University of the Arctic
For at least 9000 years dogs have been pulling sleds across the Arctic, facilitating subsistence strategies and migrations. Despite the enduring presence of dogs in the Arctic there is an absence of comprehensive studies of the material culture associate with dog sledding, including the diverse tech…
For at least 9000 years dogs have been pulling sleds across the Arctic, facilitating subsistence strategies and migrations. Despite the enduring presence of dogs in the Arctic there is an absence of comprehensive studies of the material culture associate with dog sledding, including the diverse technical elements needed for the activity. This study proposes a framework for the recognition of reliable archaeological indicators of dog sledding. The outcome is based on comparisons between ethnographic information of the dog traction technology and archaeological sites from the Arctic regions of Siberia, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland using multivariate analysis. These sites were selected as case studies to encompass the breadth of geographical and Inuit cultural diversity where dog sledding traditionally has been practiced. We argue, that by using this framework it is possible to study dog sledding in the Arctic prior to the Thule Inuit period and gain more knowledge about the origin of the practice. By combining sources from ethnography, history and archaeology, our framework identified items involved in dog sledding that were universal to the practice as well as items that were regionally specific. However, the most reliable evidence for dog sledding is the presence of both sled parts, dog bones and equipment for harnessing the dogs.
Læs mere
Arctic; Dog sledding; Archaeology; Material culture; Ethnography
Titel på tidsskrift:
Journal of Archaeological Science
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Volume 159
DOI nummer:
On 14 June 2022, an agreement between Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark, together with Greenland, resolved the long-standing dispute over the sovereignty of Hans Island (which is known as Tartupaluk in Greenlandic) by creating a land boundary. We discuss the Whiskey War-ordeal and the recent bargai…
On 14 June 2022, an agreement between Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark, together with Greenland, resolved the long-standing dispute over the sovereignty of Hans Island (which is known as Tartupaluk in Greenlandic) by creating a land boundary. We discuss the Whiskey War-ordeal and the recent bargaining solution.
Læs mere
Lassi Heininen; Heather Exner-Pirot; Justin Barnes
Arctic; Hans Island; Canada; Greenland
Titel på tidsskrift:
Arctic Yearbook
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Vol. 11
Arctic Portal
Ancient DNA provides insights into 4,000 years of resource economy across Greenland
Seersholm et al. analysed permafrozen middens from Inuit and Viking settlements to uncover evidence of diet in prehistoric Greenland. Using ancient DNA, they identified 42 different species and found that whales were surprisingly common.
The success and failure of past cultures across the Arctic wa…
Seersholm et al. analysed permafrozen middens from Inuit and Viking settlements to uncover evidence of diet in prehistoric Greenland. Using ancient DNA, they identified 42 different species and found that whales were surprisingly common.
The success and failure of past cultures across the Arctic was tightly coupled to the ability of past peoples to exploit the full range of resources available to them. There is substantial evidence for the hunting of birds, caribou and seals in prehistoric Greenland. However, the extent to which these communities relied on fish and cetaceans is understudied because of taphonomic processes that affect how these taxa are presented in the archaeological record. To address this, we analyse DNA from bulk bone samples from 12 archaeological middens across Greenland covering the Palaeo-Inuit, Norse and Neo-Inuit culture. We identify an assemblage of 42 species, including nine fish species and five whale species, of which the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) was the most commonly detected. Furthermore, we identify a new haplotype in caribou (Rangifer tarandus), suggesting the presence of a distinct lineage of (now extinct) dwarfed caribou in Greenland 3,000 years ago.
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Frederik V. Seersholm; Hans Harmsen; Anne Birgitte Gotfredsen; Christian K. Madsen; Jens F. Jensen ; Jørgen Hollesen; Morten Meldgaard; Michael Bunce; Anders. J. Hansen
Arctic; Greenland; Archaeology; DNA; Resource exploitation
Titel på tidsskrift:
Nature Human Behaviour
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
According to the narratives transmitted through media and political discourse, climate change reduces the ice coverage in the Arctic and enhances shipping and other forms of maritime activities. Especially, expectations of an increasing level of transit shipping between Asian, especially Chinese, po…
According to the narratives transmitted through media and political discourse, climate change reduces the ice coverage in the Arctic and enhances shipping and other forms of maritime activities. Especially, expectations of an increasing level of transit shipping between Asian, especially Chinese, ports and ports in Europe and North America is dominant. Evidence, however, tells that the numbers of transit shipping through the Arctic Ocean are very limited, and dominated by European shipping companies. For Greenland, political expectations have also been high, since Greenland has been seen as "strategically" situated in relation to new shipping routes in the Arctic, But, again, the actual development has been moderate and not related to international transits but conditions in Greenland itself.
Læs mere
Yannis Bouland
Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; Shipping routes; Maritime security; Political discourse
Titel på værtspublikation:
Les routes maritimes arctiques: Vers une redéfinition des axes commerciaux? Avec les contributions de Olga Alexeeva, Louis Aubert, Hervé Baudu, Uffe Jakobsen, Frédéric Lasserre & Thomas Viguer
Institut d'Études de Géopolitique Appliquée
ISBN nummer:
ISSN: 2739-3283
The study of memory cultures often foregrounds the recovery of denied historical truths, with the recognition that social and cultural norms not only shape canonical versions of the past, but continue to be complicit in legitimised forms of forgetting and erasure. This article investigates the inter…
The study of memory cultures often foregrounds the recovery of denied historical truths, with the recognition that social and cultural norms not only shape canonical versions of the past, but continue to be complicit in legitimised forms of forgetting and erasure. This article investigates the intersections between personal archives and other forms of cultural expression in acts of collective memoralization and forgetting. Using the personal archives of Josephine Diebitsch-Peary, the research introduces the concept of coloniality to studying Arctic memory cultures by examining the role of gender in the context of Arctic exploration. The article concludes that an understanding of the coloniality of knowledge and its connections to epistemic violence is crucial to the study of memory and historical legacy in the Arctic.
Læs mere
Arctic; Gender; History; Memory; Coloniality; Exploration literature
Titel på tidsskrift:
Memory Studies
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
SAGE Journals
ISSN nummer:
DOI nummer:
Arctic; Resilience; Foreign policy
Titel på tidsskrift:
Global Asia
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
The East Asia Foundation
South Korea
Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; New shipping routes; Maritime security; Emergency prevention; Prepardness and response
Titel på tidsskrift:
The importance of using knowledge of Indigenous peoples alongside with science in research, management and resource development is increasingly acknowledged. Despite political intentions of including the knowledge of Indigenous peoples, the extent and quality of utilizing their knowledge is uneven i…
The importance of using knowledge of Indigenous peoples alongside with science in research, management and resource development is increasingly acknowledged. Despite political intentions of including the knowledge of Indigenous peoples, the extent and quality of utilizing their knowledge is uneven in the Arctic. The lack of agreed definitions of various concepts used for the knowledge of Indigenous peoples, and their interchangeable and inconsistent use, creates confusion about their meaning and implications. In this article we review the knowledge concepts and their interrelatedness, developing concept maps to visualize their similarities and differences with a view to clarify the confusion and aid to a more consistent engagement and utilization of this knowledge. We argue that Indigenous knowledge is the only concept that emphasize the identity aspect and thus imply the distinct status and collective rights of Indigenous peoples, distinguishing it from other knowledge concepts. Our review suggests that the use of concepts varies significantly in the Arctic, shaped by the colonial and political-economic processes in Greenland, the Canadian Arctic, and Alaska. We also observe a transition in use of concepts from traditional knowledge to Indigenous knowledge.
Læs mere
Pelle Tejsner
Timo Koivurova; Else Grete Broderstad; Dorothée Cambou; Dalee Dorough; Florian Stammler
Arctic; Concept mapping; Local knowledge; Indigenous knowledge; Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit; Traditional knowledge
Titel på værtspublikation:
Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic
ISBN nummer:
This comprehensive text explains the relationship between the Arctic and the wider world through the lenses of international relations, international law, and political economy. It is an essential resource for any student or scholar seeking a clear and succinct account of a region of ever-growing im…
This comprehensive text explains the relationship between the Arctic and the wider world through the lenses of international relations, international law, and political economy. It is an essential resource for any student or scholar seeking a clear and succinct account of a region of ever-growing importance to the international community. Highlights include:
Broad coverage of national and human security, Arctic economies, international political economy, human rights, the rights of indigenous people, the law of the sea, navigation, and environmental governance.
A clear review of current climate-related change.
Emphasis on the sources of cooperation in the Arctic through international relations theory and law.
Examination of the Arctic in the broader global context, illustrating its inextricable links to global processes.
Læs mere
Arctic; Governance; International relations; International law; Indigenous peoples; Law of the sea; Environment; Human rights; Security
Lanham, MD
Rowman and Littlefield, inc
ISBN nummer:
Recognising the diverse roles that women have played in the history of the Arctic, both as colonisers and colonised, this article uses travel writing or Arctic biographies by women writers to explore female colonisation strategies within the context of Scandinavian colonialism. Inspired by Maria Lug…
Recognising the diverse roles that women have played in the history of the Arctic, both as colonisers and colonised, this article uses travel writing or Arctic biographies by women writers to explore female colonisation strategies within the context of Scandinavian colonialism. Inspired by Maria Lugone’s use of the concept of “coloniality of gender” (2008) the article investigates how gendered coloniality is produced and mediated through travel writing by women in the Arctic. While Lugones’ critique primarily addresses the racism and violence inherent in modern/colonial gender systems, the analysis uses her understanding of coloniality as a lived experience of Eurocentric domination in order to illuminate the gendered nature of complicity by white, elite women. Using the work of Emilie Demantt (1873-1958), later Demantt-Hatt, and Isobel Wylie Hutchison (1889-1982) the article analyses both ‘Nordic’ and ‘transnational’ female strategies of colonisation as they are performed and articulated through biographical writing. Both in form and content, these texts demonstrate the many ways in which global and imperial power intersected with local hierarchies and systems of knowledge as part of multiple and concurring representations of reality over time.
Læs mere
Johan Höglund; Linda Andersson Burnett
Arctic; History; Colonialism; Gender; Travel
Titel på tidsskrift:
Scandinavian Studies
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
University of Illinois Press on behalf of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study
United States of America
ISSN nummer:
DOI nummer:
Mineral extraction is pursued in Greenland to strengthen the national economy. In order that new industries promote sustainable development, environmental impact assessments and social impact assessments are legally required and undertaken by companies prior to license approval to inform decision-ma…
Mineral extraction is pursued in Greenland to strengthen the national economy. In order that new industries promote sustainable development, environmental impact assessments and social impact assessments are legally required and undertaken by companies prior to license approval to inform decision-making. Knowledge systems in Arctic indigenous communities have evolved through adaptive processes over generations, and indigenous knowledge (IK) is considered a great source of information on local environments and related ecosystem services. In Greenland the Inuit are in the majority, and Greenlanders are still considered indigenous. The Inuit Circumpolar Council stresses that utilizing IK is highly relevant in the Greenland context. Impact assessment processes involve stakeholder engagement and public participation, and hence offer arenas for potential knowledge sharing and thereby the utilization of IK. Based on the assumption that IK is a valuable knowledge resource, which can supplement and improve impact assessments in Greenland thus supporting sustainable development, this paper presents an investigation of how IK is utilized in the last stages of an impact assessment process when the final report is subject to a hearing in three recent mining projects in Greenland.
Læs mere
Anne Merrild Hansen
Noor Johnson
Arctic; Greenland; EIA; SIA; Extractive industries; Indigenous knowledge; Traditional knowledge; Impact assessment
Titel på tidsskrift:
Arctic Review on Law and Politics
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Cappelen Damm
ISSN nummer:
Evolving Self-Governance, the Rights if the Child and the Future of Greenland
Robert W. Corell; Jong Deong Kim; Yoon Hyung Kim; Arild Moe; Charles E. Morrisson; David L. VanderZwaag; Oran Young
Titel på værtspublikation:
The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on The Arctic Moves from Periphery to Center
Korea Maritime Institute
ISBN nummer:
Zoonotic infections transmitted from marine mammals to humans in the Baltic and European Arctic are of unknown significance, despite given considerable potential for transmission due to local hunt. Here we present results of an initial screening for Brucella spp. in Arctic and Baltic seal species. B…
Zoonotic infections transmitted from marine mammals to humans in the Baltic and European Arctic are of unknown significance, despite given considerable potential for transmission due to local hunt. Here we present results of an initial screening for Brucella spp. in Arctic and Baltic seal species. Baltic ringed seals (Pusa hispida, n = 12) sampled in October 2015 and Greenland Sea harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus, n = 6) and hooded seals (Cystophora cristata, n = 3) sampled in March 2015 were serologically analysed for antibodies against Brucella spp. The serological analyses were performed using the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) followed by a confirmatory testing of RBT-positive samples by a competitive-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (C-ELISA). Two of the Baltic ringed seals (a juvenile male and a juvenile female) were seropositive thus indicating previous exposure to a Brucella spp. The findings indicate that ringed seals in the Baltic ecosystem may be exposed to and possibly infected by Brucella spp. No seropositive individuals were detected among the Greenland harp and hooded seals. Although our initial screening shows a zoonotic hazard to Baltic locals, a more in-depth epidemiological investigation is needed in order to determine the human risk associated with this.
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C. Sonne; E. Andersen-Ranberg; E.L. Rajala; J.S. Agerholm; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld-Jørgensen; J.P. Desforges; I. Eulaers; B.M. Jenssen; Anders Koch; A. Rosing-Asvid; U. Siebert; M. Tyrland; Gert Mulvad; T. Härkönen; M. Acquarone; E.S. Nordøy; R. Dietz; U. Magnusson
Arctic; Humans; One health; Zoonosis
Titel på tidsskrift:
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
DOI nummer:
Future directions for monitoring and human health research for the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme
For the last two and a half decades, a network of human health experts under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) has produced several human health assessment reports. These reports have provided a base of scientific knowledge regarding environmental contaminants and their impact on h…
For the last two and a half decades, a network of human health experts under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) has produced several human health assessment reports. These reports have provided a base of scientific knowledge regarding environmental contaminants and their impact on human health in the Arctic. These reports provide scientific information and policy-relevant recommendations to Arctic governments. They also support international agreements such as the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Key topics discussed in this paper regarding future human health research in the circumpolar Arctic are continued contaminant biomonitoring, health effects research and risk communication. The objective of this paper is to describe knowledge gaps and future priorities for these fields.
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B. Adlard; S.G. Donaldson; J.O. Odland; P. Weihe; J. Berner; A. Carlsen; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld-Jørgensen; A.A. Dudarev; J.C. Gibson; E.M. Krümmel; K. Olafsdottir; K. Abass; A. Rautio; I.A. Bergdahl; Gert Mulvad
Arctic; Human health; Biomonitoring; Environmental contaminants
Titel på tidsskrift:
Global Health Action
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Taylor & Francis Online
DOI nummer:
Zoonotic infections transmitted from terrestrial and marine mammals to humans in European Arctic are of unknown significance, despite considerable potential for transmission due to local hunt and a rapidly changing environment. As an example, infection with Brucella bacteria may have significant imp…
Zoonotic infections transmitted from terrestrial and marine mammals to humans in European Arctic are of unknown significance, despite considerable potential for transmission due to local hunt and a rapidly changing environment. As an example, infection with Brucella bacteria may have significant impact on human health due to consumption of raw meat or otherwise contact with tissues and fluids of infected game species such as muskoxen and polar bears. Here, we present serological results for Baffin Bay polar bears (Ursus maritimus) (n = 96) and North East Greenland muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) (n = 32) for antibodies against Brucella spp. The analysis was a two-step trial initially using the Rose Bengal Test (RBT), followed by confirmative competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays of RBT-positive samples. No muskoxen had antibodies against Brucella spp., while antibodies were detected in six polar bears (6.25%) rendering a seroprevalence in line with previous findings in other Arctic regions. Seropositivity was not related to sex, age or biometrics i.e. size and body condition. Whether Brucella spp. antibodies found in polar bears were due to either prey spill over or true recurrent Brucella spp. infections is unknown. Our results therefore highlight the importance of further research into the zoonotic aspects of Brucella spp. infections, and the impact on wildlife and human health in the Arctic region.
Læs mere
C Sonne; E Andersen-Ranberg; EL Rajala ; JS Agerholm ; Eva Cecilie Bonefeld-Jørgensen; JP Desforges ; I Eulaers ; BM Jenssen ; Anders Koch; A Rosing-Asvid ; U Siebert ; M Tryland ; Gert Mulvad; T Härkönen ; M Acquarone ; ES Nordøy ; R Dietz ; U Magnusson
Arctic; Humans; One health; Zoonosis
Titel på tidsskrift:
Polar Biology
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
Tuberculosis in the Circumpolar Region, 2006–2012
SETTING: The northern circumpolar jurisdictions Canada (Northwest Territories, Nunavik, Nunavut, Yukon), Finland, Greenland, Norway, Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk), Sweden and the United States (Alaska).
OBJECTIVE: To describe and compare demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics, incl…
SETTING: The northern circumpolar jurisdictions Canada (Northwest Territories, Nunavik, Nunavut, Yukon), Finland, Greenland, Norway, Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk), Sweden and the United States (Alaska).
OBJECTIVE: To describe and compare demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics, including drug resistance and treatment completion, of tuberculosis (TB) cases in the northern circumpolar populations.
DESIGN: Descriptive analysis of all active TB cases reported from 2006 to 2012 for incidence rate (IR), age and sex distribution, sputum smear and diagnostic site characteristics, drug resistance and treatment completion rates.
RESULTS: The annual IR of TB disease ranged from a low of 4.3 per 100 000 population in Northern Sweden to a high of 199.5/100 000 in Nunavik, QC, Canada. For all jurisdictions, IR was higher for males than for females. Yukon had the highest proportion of new cases compared with retreatment cases (96.6%). Alaska reported the highest percentage of laboratory-confirmed cases (87.4%). Smear-positive pulmonary cases ranged from 25.8% to 65.2%. Multidrug-resistant cases ranged from 0% (Northern Canada) to 46.3% (Arkhangelsk). Treatment outcome data, available up to 2011, demonstrated >80% treatment completion for four of the 10 jurisdictions.
CONCLUSION: TB remains a serious public health issue in the circumpolar regions. Surveillance data contribute toward a better understanding and improved control of TB in the north.
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AC Bourgeois; T Zulz; MG Bruce; F Stenz; Anders Koch; A Parkinson; T Hennessy; M Cooper; C Newberry; E Randell; JF Proulx; BE Hanley; H Soini; TM Arnesen; A Mariandyshev; J Jonsson; B Søborg; J Wolfe; G Balancev; R Bruun de Neergaard; CP Archibald
Arctic; Epidemiology; Northern; Surveillance; Treatment
Titel på tidsskrift:
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
DOI nummer:
Genetic variations, exposure to persistent organic pollutants, and breast cancer risk: A Greenlandic case-control study
This study investigated the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in xenobiotic and steroid hormone‐metabolizing genes in relation to breast cancer risk and explored possible effect modifications on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and breast cancer associations. The study also asses…
This study investigated the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in xenobiotic and steroid hormone‐metabolizing genes in relation to breast cancer risk and explored possible effect modifications on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and breast cancer associations. The study also assessed effects of Greenlandic BRCA1 founder mutations. Greenlandic Inuit women (77 cases and 84 controls) were included. We determined two founder mutations in BRCA1: Cys39Gly (rs80357164) and 4684delCC, and five SNPs in xenobiotic and oestrogen‐metabolizing genes: CYP17A1 ‐34T>C (rs743572), CYP19A1 *19C>T (rs10046), CYP1A1 Ile462Val (rs1048943), CYP1B Leu432Val (rs1056836) and COMT Val158Met (rs4680). We used chi‐square test for comparison of categorical variables between groups. Odds ratio (OR) estimates with 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were obtained using logistic regression models. The variant allele of BRCA1 Cys39Gly increased breast cancer risk (Gly/Cys versus Cys/Cys, OR: 12.2, 95%CI: 1.53; 98.1), and carriers of the variant allele of CYP17A1 ‐34T>C had reduced risk (CT+CC versus TT, OR: 0.44, 95%CI: 0.21; 0.93). CYP17A1 ‐34T>C was an effect modifier on the association between perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) and breast cancer risk (∑PFAA, ratio of OR: 0.18, 95%CI: 0.03; 0.97). Non‐significant modifying tendencies were seen for the other SNPs on the effect of polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides and PFAAs. In summary, the BRCA1 Cys39Gly and CYP17A1 ‐34T>C genetic variations were associated with breast cancer risk. Our results indicate that the evaluated genetic variants modify the effects of POP exposure on breast cancer risk; however, further studies are needed to document the data from the relatively small sample size.
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Arctic; Greenland
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Volumen af tidsskriftet:
DOI nummer:
The sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk significantly in the last decades. The transport pattern has as a result partly changed with more traffic in remote areas. This change may influence the risk pattern. The critical factors are harsh weather, ice conditions, remoteness and vulnerability of nature.…
The sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk significantly in the last decades. The transport pattern has as a result partly changed with more traffic in remote areas. This change may influence the risk pattern. The critical factors are harsh weather, ice conditions, remoteness and vulnerability of nature. In this paper, we look into the risk of accidents in Atlantic Arctic based on previous ship accidents and the changes in maritime activity. The risk has to be assessed to ensure a proper level of emergency response. The consequences of incidents depend on the incident type, scale and location. As accidents are rare, there are limited statistics available for Arctic maritime accidents. Hence, this study offers a qualitative analysis and an expert-based risk assessment. Implications for the emergency preparedness system of the Arctic region are discussed.
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Nataliya Marchenko; Natalia Andreassen; Odd Jarl Borch; Svetlana Kuznetsova; Valur Ingimundarson; Uffe Jakobsen
Arctic; Climate change; Shipping routes; Maritime security; Emergency response
Titel på tidsskrift:
Transnav: The international journal on marine navigation and safety of sea transportation
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
ISSN nummer:
DOI nummer:
Climate change and globalisation are opening up the Arctic for exploitation by the world – or so we are told. But what about the views, interests, and needs of the peoples who live in the region? What about the myriad of other factors affecting the Arctic and its peoples? This book explores opportun…
Climate change and globalisation are opening up the Arctic for exploitation by the world – or so we are told. But what about the views, interests, and needs of the peoples who live in the region? What about the myriad of other factors affecting the Arctic and its peoples? This book explores opportunities and limitations in engaging with the Arctic under change, and the Arctic peoples experiencing the change, through the lens of understanding Arcticness: what the Arctic means to Arctic peoples socially and physically. The chapters bring together a variety of disciplines, such as law, politics, geography and the arts, to examine what Arctic peoples could learn from and teach elsewhere, across disciplines and across locations. The authors reflect on philosophies of change in tandem with philosophies of the Arctic, particularly as represented by everyday experiences, memories and geographical imaginations.
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Anne Merrild Hansen
Ilan Kelman
Arctic; Climate Change
Titel på værtspublikation:
Arcticness: Power and Voice from the North
UCL Press
ISBN nummer:
External imaginings of the future Arctic range from protected wilder- ness to booming oil and gas province, and proponents of different visions frequently clash in global public arenas. At the same time, external per- ceptions, whether pro-development or pro-conservation, frequently fail to reflect…
External imaginings of the future Arctic range from protected wilder- ness to booming oil and gas province, and proponents of different visions frequently clash in global public arenas. At the same time, external per- ceptions, whether pro-development or pro-conservation, frequently fail to reflect the realities of living in the Arctic, or to incorporate the views (and imaginings) of local inhabitants – those most affected by Arctic resource projects. The Arctic region does have significant resource potential. The United States Geological Survey estimated that 25 per cent of the world’s undiscovered petroleum reserves were to be found in the Arctic.1 The Arctic also represents around 10 per cent of the global nickel, cobalt and tungsten markets, 26 per cent of diamond gem stones and up to 40 per cent of the global production of palladium.2 Yet uncer- tainty about the viability of natural resource projects is ever-present. Companies may be highly visible and a project intensely debated long before it is clear whether natural resource deposits, national-level negotiations and global markets will result in actual extraction for the market. Often local communities have very little information availa- ble at this point and yet the very prospect of an industrial project can transform the way a local community imagines – and prepares for – its own future.
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Emma Wilson; Anne Merrild Hansen; Elana Wilson Rowe
Ilan Kelman
Arctic; Climate Change; Extractive
Titel på værtspublikation:
Arcticness: Power and Voice from the North
UCL Press
ISBN nummer:
Challenges related to access and supply of fossil fuel generated energy in Arctic communities, together with a global agenda to fight the climate change, including through promoting renewable energy systems as alternatives to fossil fuels, are motivating implementation of renewables in the Arctic Re…
Challenges related to access and supply of fossil fuel generated energy in Arctic communities, together with a global agenda to fight the climate change, including through promoting renewable energy systems as alternatives to fossil fuels, are motivating implementation of renewables in the Arctic Region, as in the rest of the world. Various benefits are anticipated in relation to implementation of renewables in Arctic communities, a fact that is driving interest in an appraisal of the state of energy production in the Arctic toward a transition from fossil fuel generated electricity and heating, to an Arctic energy system based on renewable energy sources. To understand and promote the potential for increased implementation of renewable energy solutions, it is important to investigate the role of key factors such as the economy, infrastructure and technology for the transition process. This article is based on an explorative study and analysis of how these three key factors are driving and challenging implementation of renewables. It aims at contributing to the debate on how to promote renewables in the four Arctic areas: Alaska, Canadian Arctic, Greenland and Russian Arctic. Key findings are discussed and recommendations to tackle some of the identified challenges are provided.
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Lucia Mortensen; Anne Merrild Hansen; Alexander Shestakov
Arctic; Renewable energy
Titel på tidsskrift:
Polar Geography
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
The concept of sustainability has taken centre stage in Arctic politics. However, there is little agreement on what ‘sustainable’ means. For different actors (governments, indigenous people, NGOs, etc.) the concept implies different sets of opportunities and precautions. Sustainability, therefore, i…
The concept of sustainability has taken centre stage in Arctic politics. However, there is little agreement on what ‘sustainable’ means. For different actors (governments, indigenous people, NGOs, etc.) the concept implies different sets of opportunities and precautions. Sustainability, therefore, is much more a fundamental idea to be further elaborated depending on contexts than a definable term with a specific meaning. The paper argues a research agenda that aims to map and analyse the role of sustainability in political and economic strategies in the Arctic. Sustainability has become a fundamental concept that orders the relationship between the environment (nature) and development (economy), however, in the process rearticulating other concepts such as identity (society) and security (state). Hence, we discuss, first, how sustainability when meeting the Arctic changes its meaning and application from the global ecosphere to a regional environment, and, second, how sustainability is again conceptually transformed when meeting Greenlandic ambitions for postcoloniality. This discussion leads us to outline an agenda for how to study the way in which sustainability works as a political concept.
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Gail Fondahl; Gary N. Wilson
Arctic; Sustainability; Opportunities and challenges; Risk; Conceptual history
Titel på værtspublikation:
Northern sustainabilities : Understanding and adressing change in the circumpolar world
ISBN nummer:
The sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk significantly in the last decades. Partly as a result, the transport pattern has changed with more traffic in remote areas. This change may increase the risk of accidents. The critical factors are harsh weather, ice conditions, remoteness and vulnerability. In th…
The sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk significantly in the last decades. Partly as a result, the transport pattern has changed with more traffic in remote areas. This change may increase the risk of accidents. The critical factors are harsh weather, ice conditions, remoteness and vulnerability. In this paper we look into the risks of accidents in the Atlantic Arctic based on previous ship accidents and the changes in maritime activity. The risk has to be assessed to ensure a proper level of response in emergency situations. As accidents are rare, there are limited statistics available for Arctic marine accidents. Therefore, in this study a mostly qualitative analysis and expert judgement is the basis for the risk assessments. Implications for the emergency preparedness system of the region are discussed. The consequences of incidents depend on the incident type, scale and location.
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Nataliya Marchenko; Odd Jarl Borch; Natalia Andreassen; Svetlana Kuznetsova; Valur Ingimundarson; Uffe Jakobsen
Adam Weintrit
Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; Shipping routes; Maritime security
Titel på værtspublikation:
Marine navigation and safety of sea transportation
Taylor & Francis
ISBN nummer:
This report provides a discussion on dominating risk factors, risk types and probability of unwanted incidents in the Arctic region. It also provides a coarse-grained evaluation of the potential consequences of different incidents in the northern sea areas of Russia, Norway, Greenland, and Iceland.…
This report provides a discussion on dominating risk factors, risk types and probability of unwanted incidents in the Arctic region. It also provides a coarse-grained evaluation of the potential consequences of different incidents in the northern sea areas of Russia, Norway, Greenland, and Iceland. The risk assessment build upon statistics on vessel activity, case studies of real incidents, and expert evaluation of defined situations of hazard and accident (DSHA). The evaluations of this study may serve as a platform for more detailed assessments, and as input for discussions on priority areas in respect to safety measures and emergency preparedness. In the Marpart Project, the risk assessments have a special role as input into the analyses of emergency management capabilities, and the need for special government efforts in cross-border cooperation.
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Odd Jarl Borrch; Natalia Andreassen; Nataliya Marchenko; Valur Ingimundarson; Halla Gunnarsdóttir; Uffe Jakobsen; Bolette Kern; Iurii Iudin; Sergey Petrov; Sergey V. Markov; Svetlana Kuznetsova
Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; Shipping routes; Maritime security
Nord University
ISBN nummer:
This report analyzes the current commercial and governmental activity in the sea regions north of the Polar Circle from the Northern Sea Route to the North West Passage. The study embraces sea and coastal areas of the North West of Russia, Northern Norway and around Svalbard, Iceland and Greenland.…
This report analyzes the current commercial and governmental activity in the sea regions north of the Polar Circle from the Northern Sea Route to the North West Passage. The study embraces sea and coastal areas of the North West of Russia, Northern Norway and around Svalbard, Iceland and Greenland. It includes an overview of types of vessels and other objects involved in different activities, and the volume of traffic connected to different types of activities, such as fisheries, petroleum, tourism, navy and research. Furthermore, this report estimates the maritime activity level in the area the next ten years, or until 2025, and the potential development of the regional preparedness system.
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Odd Jarl Borch; Natalia Andreassen; Nataly Marchenko; Valur Ingimundarson; Halla Gunnarsdóttir; Iurii Iudin; Sergey Petrov; Uffe Jakobsen; Birita í Dali
Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; Shipping routes; Maritime security
MARPART Project Report 1
Nord University
ISBN nummer:
Growing maritime commercial activities in the High North increase the possibility of unwanted incidents. The vulnerability related to human safety and environment and a challenging context, call for a strengthening of the maritime preparedness system, and cross-boundary and cross-institutional colla…
Growing maritime commercial activities in the High North increase the possibility of unwanted incidents. The vulnerability related to human safety and environment and a challenging context, call for a strengthening of the maritime preparedness system, and cross-boundary and cross-institutional collaboration. In this paper, we look into the different stressors and risk factors of the sea regions in the High North. We elaborate on emergencies where integrated operations such as mass evacuation, oil spill recovery and salvage are needed. Coordination of such operations is a challenging task, where several institutions and management levels are included. Host nation support from neighboring countries may be in demand. Experiences from the accident with the cruise ship “Maxim Gorkiy” in the ice south-west of Svalbard are highlighted together with the experiences from large-scale exercises in the High North. We illuminate the capabilities needed, and the training of key personnel responsible for coordinating such operations.
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Ensieh Kheiri Pileh Roud; Odd Jarl Borch; Uffe Jakobsen; Nataly Marchenko
Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; Shipping routes; Maritime risk security management
Titel på tidsskrift:
Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
San Francisco
ISSN nummer:
Maher. P.T.; Gelter, H.; Hillmer-Pegram, K.; Gestur Hovgaard; Hull, J., Jóhannesson; G.Þ., Karlsdóttir; A., Rantala, O; Pashkevich, A.
Lassi Heininen
Arctic; Tourism
Titel på værtspublikation:
Arctic Yearbook
Building Resilient Communities in the Arctic - Greenland perspective
Oran R. Young; Jong Deog Kim; Yoon Hyung Kim
Arctic; Resilience; Foreign policy
Titel på værtspublikation:
The Arctic in world affairs: a North Pacific dialogue on the future of the Arctic. 2013 North Pacific Arctic conference proceedings
Korea Maritime Institute
ISBN nummer:
978-89-7998-939-7 93300
Arctic; China; Governance; International relations; Islands; Norway; Russia; Sovereignty; Spitsbergen; Svalbard
Titel på tidsskrift:
Island Studies Journal
Volumen af tidsskriftet:
University of Prince Edward Island
ISSN nummer:
1715 – 2593
This paper focuses on historical travel writing by women in order to investigate the construction of gendered geographies in the Far North. Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines history, territorial discourses and gender studies, the paper examines travel literature as part of the const…
This paper focuses on historical travel writing by women in order to investigate the construction of gendered geographies in the Far North. Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines history, territorial discourses and gender studies, the paper examines travel literature as part of the construction and performance of gendered coloniality in Greenland and Northern Sweden.
The conference paper was presented as part of a special panel "Investigating the Politics of Gender History, Coloniality, Decoloniality and Indigeneity in the Greenlandic Archive (Pre-proposed Panel)" at NORA 2019, Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses and Feminist Politics at the University of Iceland (Programme attached).
It is now available as part of a special issue "Nordic Colonialisms and Scandinavian Studies", see Höglund, J., & Burnett, L. (2019). Introduction: Nordic Colonialisms and Scandinavian Studies. Scandinavian Studies, 91(1-2), 1-12. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5406/scanstud.91.1-2.0001.
Direct link> Reeploeg, S. (2019). Women in the Arctic: Gendering Coloniality in Travel Narratives from the Far North, 1907-1930. Scandinavian Studies, 91(1-2), 182-204. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5406/scanstud.91.1-2.0182.
Læs mere
Arctic; History; Human geography; Gender; Travel
NORA (Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research) 2019, Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses and Feminist Politics
Colonisation is a gendered enterprise, with archives both expressing and constructing the colony as masculine domain, populated by explorers, hunters and (male dominated) resource extraction. This paper explores gendered memory cultures in British/North American Arctic exploration during the late ni…
Colonisation is a gendered enterprise, with archives both expressing and constructing the colony as masculine domain, populated by explorers, hunters and (male dominated) resource extraction. This paper explores gendered memory cultures in British/North American Arctic exploration during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Using archival material, the paper investigates the intersections of gender, race and class as they shape both tangible and intangible memorization narratives of Josephine Diebitsch-Peary. As the wife of the Arctic explorer Robert Peary she accompanied her husband on expeditions to Greenland, giving birth to a daughter in Northern Greenland in 1893. Using papers and objects donated to the Women’s Archive in Portland, Maine, the paper traces how women are framed alternately as the ‘ideal’ wife and citizen and ‘that woman’, forming part of the many hidden histories of Arctic exploration narratives. Her archives thus allow us not only access to a woman’s perspective on an Arctic expedition, but also illustrate the gendered aspects of memory and colonialism that reach into the archive itself. The paper will demonstrate how an analysis within the context of memory studies enhances our understanding of Arctic histories and cultures by embracing the entangled nature of history and memory.
This paper was presented as part of the panel 'Gendering memories: all the way from heroism to disposession' at the Memory Studies Association Conference, Complutense Universidad, Madrid and will be submitted for peer-review/publication in 'Memory Studies' (Sage Journals).
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Arctic; History; Memory; Gender; Travel
3rd Annual Memory Studies Association Conference
This paper investigates the cultural-historical processes that connect early twentieth century Arctic colonial histories with experiences of coloniality. Ada Blackjack was the only survivor of an expedition that travelled to Wrangel Island in September 1921. An Inupiat from Nome, Blackjack had joine…
This paper investigates the cultural-historical processes that connect early twentieth century Arctic colonial histories with experiences of coloniality. Ada Blackjack was the only survivor of an expedition that travelled to Wrangel Island in September 1921. An Inupiat from Nome, Blackjack had joined four Anglo-European men recruited by the Canadian anthropologist and explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson to reclaim the island for the British Crown. Although the only member of the group remotely ‘at home’ in the Arctic environment she was consequently accused of neglecting or even murdering a male colleague, after the rest of the men had disappeared to seek help across the ice in January 1923. As she defended herself in the press, Blackjack was framed either as a heroic ‘female Robinson Crusoe’ or a questionable anti-wife who had failed to assist the endeavor of building “A new Empire of the North”. Linking this micro-historical episode of Arctic colonial history to the macro-historical matrix of imperial power and expansion, the paper exposes the contested nature of Arctic historiography. While illustrating the entangled nature of cultural and social memory it also explores the transformative potential of historical research that both implicates and unsettles established global narratives.
This paper was presented as part of the panel "Varieties of colonial history" at the 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History at Tallinn University. It will be submitted for peer-review/publication in 2020.
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Arctic; History; Imperialism
Global Cultural History 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History
Eirik Sivertsen
Arctic; Parliamentary cooperation
The study of memory cultures often foregrounds the recovery of denied historical truths, with the recognition that social and cultural norms not only shape canonical versions of the past, but continue to be complicit in legitimised forms of forgetting and erasure. This paper investigates the interse…
The study of memory cultures often foregrounds the recovery of denied historical truths, with the recognition that social and cultural norms not only shape canonical versions of the past, but continue to be complicit in legitimised forms of forgetting and erasure. This paper investigates the intersections between personal archives and other forms of cultural expression in acts of collective memoralization and forgetting. Using the personal archives of Josephine Diebitsch-Peary, the research introduces the concept of coloniality to studying Arctic memory cultures by examining the role of gender in the context of Arctic exploration literature. The paper concludes that an understanding of the coloniality of knowledge and its connections to epistemic violence is crucial to the study of memory and historical legacy in the Arctic.
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Arctic; Gender; History; Memory; Exploration literature
Arctic Science Summit Week 2021
Online, Lisbon
Dato & år:
19. - 26.03.2021
Climate change or global warming results in melting ice in the Arctic, both inland and sea ice. This opens up opportunities of natural ressource extraction and possibilities of new shipping routes, that opens up opportunities for increased maritime activities. However, with these opportunies come al…
Climate change or global warming results in melting ice in the Arctic, both inland and sea ice. This opens up opportunities of natural ressource extraction and possibilities of new shipping routes, that opens up opportunities for increased maritime activities. However, with these opportunies come also the challenges of increased maritime activities that result in several risks in the Arctic such as the risk of pollution and the risks of accidents, which produce a need for preparedness towards oil spill and towards search and rescue (SAR) and institutions for SAR. Since the Arctic is such a huge territory with diverse stakeholders, there is a need for transborder cooperation within the Arctic states and between the Arctic states and states outside the Arctic that recently gained access to the Arctic Council activities as observers states. On this background, the paper will investigate and assess possibilies of transborder risk management and partnership.
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Arctic; Greenland; Climate change; Shipping routes; Maritime security; Security risk management
ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) Genreal Conference
Dato & år:
26-29 August 2015