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Kontakt gerne vores kommunikationskontor
Island Autonomies - Constitutional and Political Developments
This chapter elucidates the Nordic islands: the Åland Islands, Faroe Islands and Greenland in comparison with the Portuguese autonomous islands of Azores and Madeira. The questions answered are what kind of constitutional and political development these island autonomies have been encountering and w…
This chapter elucidates the Nordic islands: the Åland Islands, Faroe Islands and Greenland in comparison with the Portuguese autonomous islands of Azores and Madeira. The questions answered are what kind of constitutional and political development these island autonomies have been encountering and what their characteristic features are regarding their relationship with their respective metropolitan state.
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Årstal:2016Emner:Federalism; Autonomi; Politisk og konstitutionel udviklingPublikationssted:Baden-BadenPublikationsland:DeutschlandTitel på værtspublikation:Föderale Kompetenzverteilung in EuropaUdgiver:NomosISBN nummer:978-3-8487-1611