Vi oplever i øjeblikket en kraftig stigning i interessen fra journalister verden over. Normalt gør vi en dyd ud af at besvare alle henvendelser fra internationale medier, men lige nu er efterspørgslen ekstraordinær. Som et lille universitet ligger vores hovedfokus på at varetage vores uddannelser, forskning og forskningsbaseret undervisning, og vi må derfor prioritere vores ressourcer. Vi håber på forståelse for, at vi i den aktuelle situation ikke kan imødekomme alle forespørgsler.
Kontakt gerne vores kommunikationskontor
Children and young people from the Inuit and Sami populations in the Nordic countries can be identified as a vulnerable group. Young Sami and Inuit experience a higher degree of violence, abuse, suicidal thoughts and suicide rates compared to their peers in the majority populations in the Nordic cou…
Children and young people from the Inuit and Sami populations in the Nordic countries can be identified as a vulnerable group. Young Sami and Inuit experience a higher degree of violence, abuse, suicidal thoughts and suicide rates compared to their peers in the majority populations in the Nordic countries. Their living conditions are in most cases influenced by a limited access to welfare benefits such as the healthcare system, social services and educational opportunities. Career prospects in the Arctic region are also narrow compared to the more densely populated and central regions in the Nordic countries. In order to understand and act upon the challenges the populations face, an in-depth and systematic review of the existing literature and experiences of children’s and youth’s well-being and their existing living conditions in the Arctic Region is essential.
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Forfatter:Christine Ingemann; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen