Objectives: Patient experiences with health systems constitute a crucial pillar of quality care. Across the Arctic, patients’ interactions with the healthcare system are influenced by challenges of access, historical inequities and social determinants. This scoping review sought to describe the rang…
Objectives: Patient experiences with health systems constitute a crucial pillar of quality care. Across the Arctic, patients’ interactions with the healthcare system are influenced by challenges of access, historical inequities and social determinants. This scoping review sought to describe the range and nature of peer-reviewed literature on patient experience studies conducted within the circumpolar region.
Design: In a partnership between Danish/Greenlandic, Canadian and American research teams, a scoping review of published research exploring patient experiences in circumpolar regions was undertaken.
Data sources: Seven electronic databases were queried: MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, ‘Global Health 1910 to 2019 Week 11’, CINAHL, PsycINFO and SveMed+.
Eligibility criteria: Articles were eligible for inclusion if they (a) took place in the circumpolar region, (b) reported patients’ perspective and (c) were focussed primarily on patient experiences with care, rather than satisfaction with treatment outcome.
Data extraction and synthesis: Title and abstract screening, full-text review and data extraction was conducted by four researchers. Bibliometric information such as publication date and country of origin was extracted, as was information regarding study design and whether or not the article contained results relevant to the themes of Indigenous values, rural and remote context, telehealth and climate change. Two researchers then synthesised and characterised results relevant to these themes.
Results: Of the 2824 articles initially found through systematic searches in seven databases, 96 articles were included for data extraction. Findings from the review included unique features related to Indigenous values, rural and remote health, telehealth and climate change.
Conclusions: The review findings provide an overview of patient experiences measures used in circumpolar nations. These findings can be used to inform health system improvement based on patient needs in the circumpolar context, as well as in other regions that share common features. This work can be further contextualized through Indigenous methodologies such as sharing circles and community based participatory methods.
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Christine Ingemann; Nathaniel Fox Hansen; Nanna Lund Hansen; Kennedy Jensen; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen; Susan Chatwood
Patient experience; Patient satisfaction; Circumpolar; Arctic; Scoping review; Indigenous; Rural healthcare; Tele-health
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Center for Folkesundhed i Grønland har i sommeren 2019 gennemført en kvalitativ pilotundersøgelse, der har undersøgt borgernes oplevelse af det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen.
Formålet med undersøgelsen har været at give et indblik i, hvordan adgangen til sundhedsvæsenet opleves af borgerne, og hvad der…
Center for Folkesundhed i Grønland har i sommeren 2019 gennemført en kvalitativ pilotundersøgelse, der har undersøgt borgernes oplevelse af det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen.
Formålet med undersøgelsen har været at give et indblik i, hvordan adgangen til sundhedsvæsenet opleves af borgerne, og hvad der er vigtigt for borgerne, når de møder sundhedsvæsenet som brugere. Dermed giver undersøgelsen os et vigtigt grundlag for at arbejde videre med udviklingen af et langsigtet og nationalt design for øget brugerinddragelse og brugerevaluering i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen - et grundlag, der tager udgangspunkt i borgernes egne perspektiver, og som er kulturel relevant.
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Ingelise Olesen; Nanna Lund Hansen; Christine Ingemann; Arnaruluk Lundblad; Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen
Patient experience; Greenland; Health system
Statens Institut for Folkesundhed
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