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Kontakt gerne vores kommunikationskontor
Take a tour in our animated presentation of the COMBAR II Teaching Concept - and get introduced to its various elements, methods, tools, and a lot of good stories to illustrated its usability.
Forfatter:Per Arnfjord; Lasse Ziska; Jens Jørgen Jørgensen
Many learners in remote regions face communicative barriers to Vocational Education and Training (VET). The barriers can be such as geographical distance, cultural challenges and language.
The COMBAR Teaching Concept tackles three issues:
What kind of pedagogical concepts or tools could help overc…
Many learners in remote regions face communicative barriers to Vocational Education and Training (VET). The barriers can be such as geographical distance, cultural challenges and language.
The COMBAR Teaching Concept tackles three issues:
What kind of pedagogical concepts or tools could help overcoming the communicative barriers?
How could vocational educators reach learners by using methods utilising modern technology?
How to approach the problem of updating the qualifications of low skilled workers in remote areas?
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