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This is the second and final report in the research project “Sustainable value chains in Nordic coastal communities (NorValue)”. The project was carried out in the period 2020-2023 as a collaborative organization between six Nordic universities and research institutions: University of Greenland, Uni…
This is the second and final report in the research project “Sustainable value chains in Nordic coastal communities (NorValue)”. The project was carried out in the period 2020-2023 as a collaborative organization between six Nordic universities and research institutions: University of Greenland, University of Akureyri, Icelandic Regional Development Institute, University of Faroe Islands, Nordland Research Institute, and Roskilde University. From these six institutions, both reports were written by the same team of researchers.
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Forfatter:Gestur Hovgaard; Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt; Julien Lebel; Maiken Bjørkan; Grétar Þór Eyþórsson; Sigríður K Þorgrímsdóttir; Ragnheiður Bogadóttir; Firouz Gaini; Joan Nymand Larsen; Jón Haukur Ingimundarson
This report presents new and updated knowledge about Nordic coastal communities and their socio-economic situation. We investigate key structures and value chains in eight coastal communities in Greenland, Iceland, the Faroes, and Norway. The report highlights local variations in the interaction bet…
This report presents new and updated knowledge about Nordic coastal communities and their socio-economic situation. We investigate key structures and value chains in eight coastal communities in Greenland, Iceland, the Faroes, and Norway. The report highlights local variations in the interaction between value chains and local resilience and provides a comparative perspective. The report uncovers new trends and important development characteristics for Nordic coastal communities, with diversification, continued household-based activities and person-specific factors found to be key for success in business life and for resilience at the local level. Our results also call into question some of the challenges and conventional truths facing coastal community development in a period where solutions are being sought for sustainability and the climate challenge.
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Årstal:2022Emner:Coastal communities; Value chains; Resilience; Tvøroyri; VágurTitel på værtspublikation:Value Chains and Resilient Coastal Communities in the Nordic AtlanticUdgiver:Nordic Council of MinistersISBN nummer:978-92-893-7437-8 (pdf)