This toolkit is written as a guide for communities and researchers who would like to conduct research in Greenland through a collaborative and equitable partnership. It is also a resource for anyone conducting research projects in Greenland to educate them on the relationship between research that t…
This toolkit is written as a guide for communities and researchers who would like to conduct research in Greenland through a collaborative and equitable partnership. It is also a resource for anyone conducting research projects in Greenland to educate them on the relationship between research that takes place in Greenland and its impact on communities. Additionally, this toolkit is a guide for Greenlanders who want to gather more information about research and how research partnerships may benefit their communities.
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Årstal:2012Emner:Den moderne grønlandske familieTitel på tidsskrift:Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debattVolumen af tidsskriftet:2/3
Årstal:2012Emner:Grønlandsk identitetsmarkør; NavngivningTitel på værtspublikation:Fra vild til verdensborger. Grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden til nutidens globalitetUdgiver:Aarhus Universitetsforlag
The Role of Personal Responsibility, Trust in Relationships, and Family Communication in the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Greenlandic Youth: Focus Group Results from Inuulluataarneq
Årstal:2012Emner:Sexual health; CBPR; YouthTitel på tidsskrift:Grønlandsk Kultur og Samfundsforskning 2010-12Volumen af tidsskriftet:2Tidsskriftsnummer:2010-2012Udgiver:IlisimatusarfikPublikationssted:Forlaget AtuagkatPublikationsland:GrønlandISSN nummer:978-87-92554-41-3
Årstal:2004Emner:Kinship; GreenlandPublikationssted:AkureyriPublikationsland:IcelandTitel på værtspublikation:Societies and cultures: change and persistenceUdgiver:Stefansson Arctic Institute