The Political Economy of Greenland: From Colonialism to a Mixed Economy
The long-term economic performance of Greenland has been shaped by factors like climate change and global commodity prices but more importantly by the change and persistence of economic and political institutions. This chapter discusses the combination of these factors ranging from natural-resource…
The long-term economic performance of Greenland has been shaped by factors like climate change and global commodity prices but more importantly by the change and persistence of economic and political institutions. This chapter discusses the combination of these factors ranging from natural-resource transitions, historical legacies, and state developmental policies. It provides a general overview to understand the interplay of endogenous and exogenous factors that have influenced the historical evolution of the Greenlandic economy.
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Årstal:2021Emner:Political economy; Economic history; Labor marketPublikationssted:LondonPublikationsland:United KingdomTitel på værtspublikation:Greenland’s Economy and Labour MarketUdgiver:Routledge