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Hyperthyroidism was frequent among Inuit and the occurrence of hypothyroidism was low. The pattern of hyper- and hypothyroidism among Greenlandic Inuit with adequate iodine intake was comparable with those seen in populations with iodine deficiency. Inuit may thus have adapted to excessive iodine in…
Hyperthyroidism was frequent among Inuit and the occurrence of hypothyroidism was low. The pattern of hyper- and hypothyroidism among Greenlandic Inuit with adequate iodine intake was comparable with those seen in populations with iodine deficiency. Inuit may thus have adapted to excessive iodine intake over centuries, causing a need for a higher iodine intake to prevent iodine deficiency disorders.
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Årstal:2021Emner:Iodine intake; Greenland; Inuit; ThyroidTitel på tidsskrift:ThyroidVolumen af tidsskriftet:31Tidsskriftsnummer:12Publikationsland:USADOI nummer: