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Given the magnitude of the risks associated with commercial activities in the Arctic arising as a result of the milder climate, new business opportunities raise important questions of responsibility and liability. This book analyses the issues of responsibility and liability connected with the explo…
Given the magnitude of the risks associated with commercial activities in the Arctic arising as a result of the milder climate, new business opportunities raise important questions of responsibility and liability. This book analyses the issues of responsibility and liability connected with the exploitation of natural resources, marine transport and other activities in the Arctic. Applying a combined private and public law perspective on these issues, it considers both the business and societal interests related to Arctic development using Greenland as an example. The book focuses on problems that are specific to Greenland and wider issues that affect all Arctic states.
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Editor:Vibe Ulfbeck; Anders Møllmann; Bent Ole Gram Mortensen
Årstal:2016Emner:Environmental Damage; Small states; ArcticTitel på værtspublikation:Responsibilities and Liabilities for Commercial Activity in the Arctic - The Example of GreenlandUdgiver:Routledge