Vi oplever i øjeblikket en kraftig stigning i interessen fra journalister verden over. Normalt gør vi en dyd ud af at besvare alle henvendelser fra internationale medier, men lige nu er efterspørgslen ekstraordinær. Som et lille universitet ligger vores hovedfokus på at varetage vores uddannelser, forskning og forskningsbaseret undervisning, og vi må derfor prioritere vores ressourcer. Vi håber på forståelse for, at vi i den aktuelle situation ikke kan imødekomme alle forespørgsler.
Kontakt gerne vores kommunikationskontor
The following note reports on an ongoing participatory action research (PAR) collaboration between Kommuneqarfik Sermersooqs’ ‘Street Team’ and the Centre for Arctic Welfare (CAR) in Nuuk, Greenland. The primary task of the street team is to undertake outreach social work in areas and institutions i…
The following note reports on an ongoing participatory action research (PAR) collaboration between Kommuneqarfik Sermersooqs’ ‘Street Team’ and the Centre for Arctic Welfare (CAR) in Nuuk, Greenland. The primary task of the street team is to undertake outreach social work in areas and institutions in Nuuk where marginalised and vulnerable adults frequent. The main aim of this outreach work is to establish contacts, build relationships, and unravel the underlying issues faced by the adults in focus. Subsequently, we build bridges between the individual needing help and the appropriate municipal agency.
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Årstal:2022Emner:Capacity building; Nuuk; Homelessness; Street-level workTitel på tidsskrift:Northern NotesVolumen af tidsskriftet:57Tidsskriftsnummer:AutumnUdgiver:nternational Arctic Social Sciences Association SecretariaPublikationssted:BodøPublikationsland:NorwayISSN nummer:1817-0404