Aasivissuit - Nipisat: inuit hunting ground between ice and sea
J. F. Jensen; C. Andreasen; P. Fleischer-Lyberth; L. Løgstrup; H. H. Poulsen; O. R. Ólafsson; A. C. Løventoft-Jessen; S. Barr; Morten Meldgaard
Aasivissuit; Nipisat; Inuit; Hunting
January 2017
Qeqqata Municipality
Climate and topography in West Greenland along a vast west-to-east transect from the ocean and fjords to the ice sheet contains evidence of 4200 years of human history. Fisher-hunter-gatherer cultures have created an organically evolved and continuing cultural landscape based on hunting of land and…
Climate and topography in West Greenland along a vast west-to-east transect from the ocean and fjords to the ice sheet contains evidence of 4200 years of human history. Fisher-hunter-gatherer cultures have created an organically evolved and continuing cultural landscape based on hunting of land and sea animals, seasonal migrations and settlement patterns, and a rich and well-preserved material and intangible cultural heritage. Large communal winter houses and evidence of communal hunting of caribou via hides and drive systems are distinctive characteristics, along with archaeological sites from the Saqqaq (2500-700 BC), Dorset (800 BC-1 AD), Thule Inuit (from the 13th century) and colonial periods (from the 18th century). The cultural landscape is presented through the histories and landscapes of seven key localities from Nipisat in the west, to Aasivissuit, near the ice cap, in the east. The attributes of the property include buildings, structures, archaeological sites and artefacts associated with the history of the human occupation of the landscape; the landforms and ecosystems of the ice cap, fjords, lakes; natural resources, such as caribou, and other plant and animal species that support the hunting and fishing cultural practices; and the Inuit intangible cultural heritage and traditional knowledge of the environment, weather, navigation, shelter, foods and medicines.
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J. F. Jensen; C. Andreasen; P. Fleischer-Lyberth; L. Løgstrup; H. H. Poulsen; Ó. R. Ólafsson; A. C. Løventoft-Jessen; S. Barr; Morten Meldgaard
Aasivissuit; Nipisat; World Heritage Centre
Qeqqata Municipality
Nomination of Aasivissuit-Nipisat - inuit hunting ground between ice and sea - for inclusion on the World Heritage List: Annex 2: management plan
H. H. Poulsen; C. Andreasen; P. Fleischer-Lyberth; L. Løgstrup; J. F. Jensen; Ó. R. Ólafsson; A. C. Løventoft-Jessen; Morten Meldgaard; S. Barr; K. Wûrtz Poulsen
Aasivissuit; Nipisat; World Heritage Centre
Qeqqata Municipality