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The paper focusses on potential political and economic future Greenland scenarios and raises the question whether a ‘Free association’ is a way for Greenland to explore?
The paper further analyses challenges for a sustainably developing - and independent - Greenland such as economic aspects – incl…
The paper focusses on potential political and economic future Greenland scenarios and raises the question whether a ‘Free association’ is a way for Greenland to explore?
The paper further analyses challenges for a sustainably developing - and independent - Greenland such as economic aspects – including the question ‘can Greenland benefit from abstaining to exploit some of its natural resources?’.
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Editor:R. W. Corell; J. D. Kim; Y. H. Kim; A. Moe; C. E. Morrisin; D. L. Van der Zwaag; O.R. Young
Årstal:2019Emner:Future of Greenland: political and economicPublikationsland:Republic of KoreaKonferencenavn:2019 North Pacific Arctic Conference (NPAC)Konferenceby:Honolulu, Hawai'iKonferenceland:USATitel på værtspublikation:The Arctic in World Affairs. A North Pacific Dialogue on Global-Arctic Interactions: The Arctic Moves from Periphery to CenterUdgave:FirstUdgiver:KMI PressISBN nummer:979-11-89964-67-2