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Presentation of work in progress: Research project about new solutions for teacher education as distance education in Greenland.
Årstal:2019Emner:Distance education; Teacher education; GreenlandTitel på tidsskrift:International Journal of Learning and TeachingVolumen af tidsskriftet:5Tidsskriftsnummer:4Udgiver:International Journal of Learning and TeachingDOI nummer:10.18178/ijlt.5.4.308-312Konferencenavn:International Conference on Future Learning (ICFL)Konferenceby:BarcelonaKonferenceland:Spain
The teacher education has been offering correspondence education for two decades. But didactical possibilities from digital solutions has yet to be explored and taken advantage of. Distance education is expected to show more potential in the Greenlandic educational system in the future. From fall 20…
The teacher education has been offering correspondence education for two decades. But didactical possibilities from digital solutions has yet to be explored and taken advantage of. Distance education is expected to show more potential in the Greenlandic educational system in the future. From fall 2017 a fresh start has been launched utilizing a hybrid educational format.
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