Vi oplever i øjeblikket en kraftig stigning i interessen fra journalister verden over. Normalt gør vi en dyd ud af at besvare alle henvendelser fra internationale medier, men lige nu er efterspørgslen ekstraordinær. Som et lille universitet ligger vores hovedfokus på at varetage vores uddannelser, forskning og forskningsbaseret undervisning, og vi må derfor prioritere vores ressourcer. Vi håber på forståelse for, at vi i den aktuelle situation ikke kan imødekomme alle forespørgsler.
Kontakt gerne vores kommunikationskontor
The Arctic is directly affected by the interaction of two ongoing global crises: climate change and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. With its temperatures rising four times faster than the global average, the Arctic is facing dramatic environmental consequences. Meanwhile, retreating sea…
The Arctic is directly affected by the interaction of two ongoing global crises: climate change and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. With its temperatures rising four times faster than the global average, the Arctic is facing dramatic environmental consequences. Meanwhile, retreating sea ice has led to increased economic interest in the Arctic and its growing geopolitical importance. Thus, understanding and managing the global and local implications of environmental change in this region requires urgent scientific and diplomatic collaboration.
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Forfatter:Kai Kornhuber; Kira Vinke; Evan T. Bloom; Loyle Campbell; Volker Rachold; Sara Olsvig; Dana Schirwon
Årstal:2023Emner:Arctic politics; Geopolitics; Indigenous PeoplesPublikationssted:BerlinPublikationsland:GermanyVolume:DGAP Report No. 2, February 8, 2023, 19 pp.Udgiver:German Council of Foreign RelationsISBN nummer: 2198-5936
Årstal:2018Emner:Arctic politics; Paradiplomacy; GreenlandTitel på tidsskrift:Polar RecordVolumen af tidsskriftet:54Tidsskriftsnummer:1Udgiver:Cambridge University PressPublikationssted:CambridgePublikationsland:United KingdomDOI nummer:10.1017/S0032247418000116