04. oktober 2022
Info meeting about PhD Cup Paasisavut
On the 4th of October 2022, at 10.00 am Greenlandic time, Arctic Hub and Ilisimatusarfik host a digital info meeting about the Greenlandic PhD competition Paasisavut
04. oktober 2022
Fratrædelsesforelæsning med Lise Hounsgaard
Vi ønsker at markere, at professor Lise Hounsgaard fratræder ved Institut for Sundhed & Natur
05. oktober 2022
Screen production in the Arctic: Location, entanglements and ultrasmall screen industries
Department of Language, Literature & Media invites to a public lecture with PhD Fellow Anders Grønlund titled: "Screen Production in the Arctic: Location, entanglements and ultrasmall screen industries"
31. oktober 2022
Seminar i forbindelse med KNR-TV’s 40-års jubilæum
Den 1. november 2022 er det 40 år siden KNR-TV for første gang transmitterede et tv-program